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I support Indian mass immigration

why only indians bhai
they prolly benefit your economy the most compared to any other kind of immigrants
i support people staying in the country they were born in
i hate pointless immigration
Immigration is natural happens in nature territory is temporary
u get r***d to death for trespassing territory in nature
even animals groups have borders
They get taken over by other groups it's natural
not without fights

immigration is like
i am gonna infiltrate ur territory and wreak havoc but u have to treat me as ur own
Humans are like bacteria we invade each other but we adapt to eachother
we kill each other if we don't like each others race
Humans are like bacteria we invade each other but we adapt to eachother
stop using metaphors
what i said is right
you can't move into occupied areas naturally
you are going to get killed and tortured
Only Low iq apes monkeys primates still evolving people do civilized educated class people figure things out
civilization and education enslave people

remove laws and the same civilized and educated people would kill thier least favourite immigrants
Only Low iq apes monkeys primates still evolving people do civilized educated class people figure things out
u know what happened when jews immigrated to germany

u know what happened when the Europeans immigrated to native north america
Its about strength
Winner conquers the world
yea as i said there will be a power struggle and the winner will keep the territory

u can't just barge in
Mirin if you can't stop the jews the nation was meant to fall
the nation would lose its identity and originality
(it did)
like today all European countries are the same and support the same crap
the nation would lose its identity and originality
(it did)
like today all European countries are the same and support the same crap
back in the day they were unique and actually knew about thier culture and history

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