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Experience I used to cope by thinking girls didn't call guys gl to their face(Rant dnr)


Active member
Aug 9, 2024
If you look good girls WILL actively tell you and you won't need external validation from obscure incel forums. I'm mainly friends with these two guys and last year was probably the year they outgrew me socially. "How so?" you ask... well it's mainly because they realised that they were way above my level in looks. My first friend we will call Mark completely outshined me the whole school year

For some backstory - Mark got picked by the guys in our school(in good fun though) just because he was a bit of an airhead sometimes but he was a little bit popular. I noticed that every single new girl that joined our school displayed some sort of ioi to him though. Whether it was calling him good-looking, accepting dates with him, flirting in general or just sex jfl. Bro was on the same level of experience as me(KHHV) until the year before but just because these girls didn't know the social standing he started slaying. Anyways my point is he was constantly getting positive affirmation the entire year and his confidence grew because of it. We went on a night out towards the end of the year and as we got out of the car to meet everyone like 10+ friends screamed his name when it was the 3 of us walking towards them jfl. He made out with 7 girls that night while I got nothing. He'd probably get rated HTN-CHADLITE on .org

My second friend David was only a little bit more social than me until last year he got onto dating apps. See I knew I wouldn't do good on dating apps because I was realistic but I didn't know he would. It was so depressing to me that someone with basically the same personality could do way better. He got a way above average amount of likes from good-looking girls and got asked to go to some girls prom with him(It doesn't seem that impressive but you don't understand how awkward this guy is lol).Also our mutual friend posted David and I on her story and fucking 3 girls replied saying he was good looking and asking for his snap. His ego has risen exponentially after things like this and he knows he's better than me now. We were about to go inside a club and someone passed him chewing gum (to make his breath smell better obv) and I asked for one too jfl and he said"Im the one who needs it buddy." Bro just said he mogs me in normie terms

When you ascend you will know it because girls WILL let you know how attractive you are and its cope to think otherwise

The biggest LARPs of my life come when I have to pretend to have experience with girls to not become a social outcast - but that won't matter because ascension coming in 2025

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Yeah looks matter. At 100% with women. In any social occasions. The ones who will tell you otherwise are uglies and/or liars

I've come to realisation that women liked me. Started at 12yo when 2 girls of my class wanted me, ended up with one of them until i dumped her at 15yo. Same fom 16 to 20yo, always a girl or 2 interested in me. Same thing when i started to work, always a girl to flirt with me, even one girl touched my crotch. I've found my former sexfriend talking to her in a stuck train.

I've found out i was mid attractive when my friends started to hangout without me, to increase their chances to get laid at parties, or becoming jealous and possesive when their girlfriends start to talk to me, despite the fact i stated to them i wasn't interested in their gfs

Just hang out with ugly and shorter guys ig... brootal

6'2ft, 7.5in
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Yeah looks matter. At 100% with women. In any social occasions. The ones who will tell you otherwise are uglies and/or liars

I've come to realisation that women liked me. Started at 12yo when 2 girls of my class wanted me, ended up with one of them until i dumped her at 15yo. Same fom 16 to 20yo, always a girl or 2 interested in me. Same thing when i started to work, always a girl to flirt with me, even one girl touched my crotch. I've found my former sexfriend talking to her in a stuck train.

I've found out i was mid attractive when my friends started to hangout without me, to increase their chances to get laid at parties, or becoming jealous and possesive when their girlfriends start to talk to me, despite the fact i stated to them i wasn't interested in their gfs

Just hang out with ugly and shorter guys ig... brootal

6'2ft, 7.5in
I have a question : If you are attractive why do you chill in these forums? Is it just to find ways to mog harder lol

Also the thing is I’m 6’3 and they’re 5’9 but they just facemog me to death. Ideally I keep the same friends because having ugly friends means they probably don’t get invited to social events which means I probably won’t also. Ideally I just looksmax till I mog them and then I’ll be respected again
I have a question : If you are attractive why do you chill in these forums? Is it just to find ways to mog harder lol

Also the thing is I’m 6’3 and they’re 5’9 but they just facemog me to death. Ideally I keep the same friends because having ugly friends means they probably don’t get invited to social events which means I probably won’t also. Ideally I just looksmax till I mog them and then I’ll be respected again
Because i'm bored and i share my experiences and my advices, i want to help guys and girls, because i'm aware that looksmaxxing will solve a lot of their problems

At 6'3 normally you get girls without problems, but most of the time face matters first unless girls are taller than you
At 6'3 you need to mog them into oblivion
If you look good girls WILL actively tell you and you won't need external validation from obscure incel forums. I'm mainly friends with these two guys and last year was probably the year they outgrew me socially. "How so?" you ask... well it's mainly because they realised that they were way above my level in looks. My first friend we will call Mark completely outshined me the whole school year

For some backstory - Mark got picked by the guys in our school(in good fun though) just because he was a bit of an airhead sometimes but he was a little bit popular. I noticed that every single new girl that joined our school displayed some sort of ioi to him though. Whether it was calling him good-looking, accepting dates with him, flirting in general or just sex jfl. Bro was on the same level of experience as me(KHHV) until the year before but just because these girls didn't know the social standing he started slaying. Anyways my point is he was constantly getting positive affirmation the entire year and his confidence grew because of it. We went on a night out towards the end of the year and as we got out of the car to meet everyone like 10+ friends screamed his name when it was the 3 of us walking towards them jfl. He made out with 7 girls that night while I got nothing. He'd probably get rated HTN-CHADLITE on .org

My second friend David was only a little bit more social than me until last year he got onto dating apps. See I knew I wouldn't do good on dating apps because I was realistic but I didn't know he would. It was so depressing to me that someone with basically the same personality could do way better. He got a way above average amount of likes from good-looking girls and got asked to go to some girls prom with him(It doesn't seem that impressive but you don't understand how awkward this guy is lol).Also our mutual friend posted David and I on her story and fucking 3 girls replied saying he was good looking and asking for his snap. His ego has risen exponentially after things like this and he knows he's better than me now. We were about to go inside a club and someone passed him chewing gum (to make his breath smell better obv) and I asked for one too jfl and he said"Im the one who needs it buddy." Bro just said he mogs me in normie terms

When you ascend you will know it because girls WILL let you know how attractive you are and its cope to think otherwise

The biggest LARPs of my life come when I have to pretend to have experience with girls to not become a social outcast - but that won't matter because ascension coming in 2025

positive thread next?
But the girls are usually ltb or MTB. htb stay quiet for some reason

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