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JFL I want to commit muder


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
What if the next time he tries to embarass me I start punching him to death?

Do you think I could force my fist through his orbital bone?

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
The only thing you’ll be killing is a John Wick skin in Fortnite after your 7th 15 hour gaming session this month.
Ideal life but replace with Fortnite with watching cartoons

I can't stop watching Adventure Time it's so good :peepoclap:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
Disclaimer : The "he" represents life and "physical violence" represents rebellion.

I am a pacifist I would never hurt anyone :nopers:
I mog him because I have higher ASI DNA. Making me more tribal and hunter-gatherer pilled.

No, you simply mog him because he posts too many “___ nudes got leaked” threads with NSFW tags, just for it to be him choking himself out and sucking his cheeks in while autistically looking into the camera.
What if the next time he tries to embarass me I start punching him to death?

Do you think I could force my fist through his orbital bone?

what if the "he" is my dangler and the physical violence is edging
Imagine you’re nine years old and you’re out and about at the mall with your mom and dad. You walk outside and see a car driving extremely fast, it headed towards an old man who’s crippled and can barely move. Realizing that he can’t get out of the way, you instead push him out of the way and sacrifice yourself. You wake up, not remembering anything. Heck, you don’t even know who the people around you are. After some asking, you find out you are going to be paralyzed and in a coma forever. Months go by, you see your friends visit often and your family watching over you in the hospital bed. You realize your life is over so you reach to pull the plug and end it all, when all of a sudden your hand jerks back. You look up, and you see God. He introduces himself and tells you he has a genie who will grant you 100 wishes. After some convincing, you finally buy in. The genie comes and there you are, with 100 wishes. Right away you start going berserk with them, you made the genie a promise that by 16 years old all your wishes will be fully formed. You wish to be unparalyzed, 6’4, white. good looking, etc. You still have 85 wishes left. A few years pass, and you slowly get better and better and taller and whiter and better looking, but you’re just waiting to turn 16 so you can finally go out and explore the real world. More years go by, and there it finally is. September 7th, 2025. Your birthday is tomorrow, and as soon as it hits 12:00 AM you can come back to life. Fast forward to midnight, you stand up and surprise all of your family and friends who came to wake you up and sing happy birthday. Everyone is shell shocked, as some female nurses look in awe at your beautiful 6’4 frame and Henry Cavill mixed with Harry Raftus esque face. A few months have passed and gone by, you are now living the dream life. You get lots of female attention, a bunch of dudes wanting to be your friend, and you’re happy. You decide to use the rest of your wishes, you use 35 in the most obviously manner like being rich, being able to control your emotions, have a deep voice, etc. You are now a maxed out human being, but you still have 50 wishes left. With those 50 wishes, you practically become and indestructible superhuman with powers such as lazed heat vision eyes, invincible skin, immortality, super speed, etc. A couple months go by and you’re now known as a vigilante in the city of Manhattan who guys by the name “Darelander.”. You cruise the city of Manhattan at night in a dark red and blue costume, spying on criminals who wish on innocent peoples downfall. Having to be a hero, you just jail every single one of them. A year passes, and you’re now 17 and all of New York is crime free. You meet a girl who’s name is Avery and you fall in love with her. 2 more years pass and you’re headed off to college with Avery, and everything is going good. You still haven’t revealed to her that you’re date lander, but you make sure to use your powers to make her feel as good as possible. One day you receive a call that your parents died, your powers for some reason didn’t recognize it so you instantly know someone found your secret identity. Weeks go by, you can’t find out who it is so you just give up on life. Avery has stopped answering your callas and texts, so you use your super speed to go to her dorm. You knock and when she opens, you see a half naked guy. You push him out of the way, and you look in and see Avery getting pounded by several dudes. Your emotions get so out of hand that even your powers can’t contain them, you punch the dude who answered the door straight in the jaw and his head flies off. Everyone starts screaming and yelling and crying, but you teleport back to your apartment and get your Darelander suit. You go on a rampage and make an oath to swear that everyone will pay. You consult God, who’s now a mere weakling to you with how many powers you have. He tells you to not do it, but you threaten him and he gives in in to letting you go out on Earth. First, you later off the faces of every dude who was in her dorm. Secondly, you reveal your identity to Avery and threaten and yell at her for hours. She’s crying and shaking, and finally you just finish her off with a neck snap. You fly out all the way to space, and using your heat vision eyes you lazer all of Earth to a pulp, nothing is left but some particles and dust. You instantly break down and start crying and going crazy because of what you did, you just lost everything. You go to Mars where you stay there for hundreds of years, every second that goes by you think about how much you regret killing Earth and how bored you are. Eventually, you go out to space and start conquering every galaxy and planet slowly. You are now known as the “Devil of Space”, and everyone in the universe knows who you are and fears you.
Imagine you’re nine years old and you’re out and about at the mall with your mom and dad. You walk outside and see a car driving extremely fast, it headed towards an old man who’s crippled and can barely move. Realizing that he can’t get out of the way, you instead push him out of the way and sacrifice yourself. You wake up, not remembering anything. Heck, you don’t even know who the people around you are. After some asking, you find out you are going to be paralyzed and in a coma forever. Months go by, you see your friends visit often and your family watching over you in the hospital bed. You realize your life is over so you reach to pull the plug and end it all, when all of a sudden your hand jerks back. You look up, and you see God. He introduces himself and tells you he has a genie who will grant you 100 wishes. After some convincing, you finally buy in. The genie comes and there you are, with 100 wishes. Right away you start going berserk with them, you made the genie a promise that by 16 years old all your wishes will be fully formed. You wish to be unparalyzed, 6’4, white. good looking, etc. You still have 85 wishes left. A few years pass, and you slowly get better and better and taller and whiter and better looking, but you’re just waiting to turn 16 so you can finally go out and explore the real world. More years go by, and there it finally is. September 7th, 2025. Your birthday is tomorrow, and as soon as it hits 12:00 AM you can come back to life. Fast forward to midnight, you stand up and surprise all of your family and friends who came to wake you up and sing happy birthday. Everyone is shell shocked, as some female nurses look in awe at your beautiful 6’4 frame and Henry Cavill mixed with Harry Raftus esque face. A few months have passed and gone by, you are now living the dream life. You get lots of female attention, a bunch of dudes wanting to be your friend, and you’re happy. You decide to use the rest of your wishes, you use 35 in the most obviously manner like being rich, being able to control your emotions, have a deep voice, etc. You are now a maxed out human being, but you still have 50 wishes left. With those 50 wishes, you practically become and indestructible superhuman with powers such as lazed heat vision eyes, invincible skin, immortality, super speed, etc. A couple months go by and you’re now known as a vigilante in the city of Manhattan who guys by the name “Darelander.”. You cruise the city of Manhattan at night in a dark red and blue costume, spying on criminals who wish on innocent peoples downfall. Having to be a hero, you just jail every single one of them. A year passes, and you’re now 17 and all of New York is crime free. You meet a girl who’s name is Avery and you fall in love with her. 2 more years pass and you’re headed off to college with Avery, and everything is going good. You still haven’t revealed to her that you’re date lander, but you make sure to use your powers to make her feel as good as possible. One day you receive a call that your parents died, your powers for some reason didn’t recognize it so you instantly know someone found your secret identity. Weeks go by, you can’t find out who it is so you just give up on life. Avery has stopped answering your callas and texts, so you use your super speed to go to her dorm. You knock and when she opens, you see a half naked guy. You push him out of the way, and you look in and see Avery getting pounded by several dudes. Your emotions get so out of hand that even your powers can’t contain them, you punch the dude who answered the door straight in the jaw and his head flies off. Everyone starts screaming and yelling and crying, but you teleport back to your apartment and get your Darelander suit. You go on a rampage and make an oath to swear that everyone will pay. You consult God, who’s now a mere weakling to you with how many powers you have. He tells you to not do it, but you threaten him and he gives in in to letting you go out on Earth. First, you later off the faces of every dude who was in her dorm. Secondly, you reveal your identity to Avery and threaten and yell at her for hours. She’s crying and shaking, and finally you just finish her off with a neck snap. You fly out all the way to space, and using your heat vision eyes you lazer all of Earth to a pulp, nothing is left but some particles and dust. You instantly break down and start crying and going crazy because of what you did, you just lost everything. You go to Mars where you stay there for hundreds of years, every second that goes by you think about how much you regret killing Earth and how bored you are. Eventually, you go out to space and start conquering every galaxy and planet slowly. You are now known as the “Devil of Space”, and everyone in the universe knows who you are and fears you.
“Dnrd” - 🤓
Imagine you’re nine years old and you’re out and about at the mall with your mom and dad. You walk outside and see a car driving extremely fast, it headed towards an old man who’s crippled and can barely move. Realizing that he can’t get out of the way, you instead push him out of the way and sacrifice yourself. You wake up, not remembering anything. Heck, you don’t even know who the people around you are. After some asking, you find out you are going to be paralyzed and in a coma forever. Months go by, you see your friends visit often and your family watching over you in the hospital bed. You realize your life is over so you reach to pull the plug and end it all, when all of a sudden your hand jerks back. You look up, and you see God. He introduces himself and tells you he has a genie who will grant you 100 wishes. After some convincing, you finally buy in. The genie comes and there you are, with 100 wishes. Right away you start going berserk with them, you made the genie a promise that by 16 years old all your wishes will be fully formed. You wish to be unparalyzed, 6’4, white. good looking, etc. You still have 85 wishes left. A few years pass, and you slowly get better and better and taller and whiter and better looking, but you’re just waiting to turn 16 so you can finally go out and explore the real world. More years go by, and there it finally is. September 7th, 2025. Your birthday is tomorrow, and as soon as it hits 12:00 AM you can come back to life. Fast forward to midnight, you stand up and surprise all of your family and friends who came to wake you up and sing happy birthday. Everyone is shell shocked, as some female nurses look in awe at your beautiful 6’4 frame and Henry Cavill mixed with Harry Raftus esque face. A few months have passed and gone by, you are now living the dream life. You get lots of female attention, a bunch of dudes wanting to be your friend, and you’re happy. You decide to use the rest of your wishes, you use 35 in the most obviously manner like being rich, being able to control your emotions, have a deep voice, etc. You are now a maxed out human being, but you still have 50 wishes left. With those 50 wishes, you practically become and indestructible superhuman with powers such as lazed heat vision eyes, invincible skin, immortality, super speed, etc. A couple months go by and you’re now known as a vigilante in the city of Manhattan who guys by the name “Darelander.”. You cruise the city of Manhattan at night in a dark red and blue costume, spying on criminals who wish on innocent peoples downfall. Having to be a hero, you just jail every single one of them. A year passes, and you’re now 17 and all of New York is crime free. You meet a girl who’s name is Avery and you fall in love with her. 2 more years pass and you’re headed off to college with Avery, and everything is going good. You still haven’t revealed to her that you’re date lander, but you make sure to use your powers to make her feel as good as possible. One day you receive a call that your parents died, your powers for some reason didn’t recognize it so you instantly know someone found your secret identity. Weeks go by, you can’t find out who it is so you just give up on life. Avery has stopped answering your callas and texts, so you use your super speed to go to her dorm. You knock and when she opens, you see a half naked guy. You push him out of the way, and you look in and see Avery getting pounded by several dudes. Your emotions get so out of hand that even your powers can’t contain them, you punch the dude who answered the door straight in the jaw and his head flies off. Everyone starts screaming and yelling and crying, but you teleport back to your apartment and get your Darelander suit. You go on a rampage and make an oath to swear that everyone will pay. You consult God, who’s now a mere weakling to you with how many powers you have. He tells you to not do it, but you threaten him and he gives in in to letting you go out on Earth. First, you later off the faces of every dude who was in her dorm. Secondly, you reveal your identity to Avery and threaten and yell at her for hours. She’s crying and shaking, and finally you just finish her off with a neck snap. You fly out all the way to space, and using your heat vision eyes you lazer all of Earth to a pulp, nothing is left but some particles and dust. You instantly break down and start crying and going crazy because of what you did, you just lost everything. You go to Mars where you stay there for hundreds of years, every second that goes by you think about how much you regret killing Earth and how bored you are. Eventually, you go out to space and start conquering every galaxy and planet slowly. You are now known as the “Devil of Space”, and everyone in the universe knows who you are and fears you.
What’s the moral of the story
Imagine you’re nine years old and you’re out and about at the mall with your mom and dad. You walk outside and see a car driving extremely fast, it headed towards an old man who’s crippled and can barely move. Realizing that he can’t get out of the way, you instead push him out of the way and sacrifice yourself. You wake up, not remembering anything. Heck, you don’t even know who the people around you are. After some asking, you find out you are going to be paralyzed and in a coma forever. Months go by, you see your friends visit often and your family watching over you in the hospital bed. You realize your life is over so you reach to pull the plug and end it all, when all of a sudden your hand jerks back. You look up, and you see God. He introduces himself and tells you he has a genie who will grant you 100 wishes. After some convincing, you finally buy in. The genie comes and there you are, with 100 wishes. Right away you start going berserk with them, you made the genie a promise that by 16 years old all your wishes will be fully formed. You wish to be unparalyzed, 6’4, white. good looking, etc. You still have 85 wishes left. A few years pass, and you slowly get better and better and taller and whiter and better looking, but you’re just waiting to turn 16 so you can finally go out and explore the real world. More years go by, and there it finally is. September 7th, 2025. Your birthday is tomorrow, and as soon as it hits 12:00 AM you can come back to life. Fast forward to midnight, you stand up and surprise all of your family and friends who came to wake you up and sing happy birthday. Everyone is shell shocked, as some female nurses look in awe at your beautiful 6’4 frame and Henry Cavill mixed with Harry Raftus esque face. A few months have passed and gone by, you are now living the dream life. You get lots of female attention, a bunch of dudes wanting to be your friend, and you’re happy. You decide to use the rest of your wishes, you use 35 in the most obviously manner like being rich, being able to control your emotions, have a deep voice, etc. You are now a maxed out human being, but you still have 50 wishes left. With those 50 wishes, you practically become and indestructible superhuman with powers such as lazed heat vision eyes, invincible skin, immortality, super speed, etc. A couple months go by and you’re now known as a vigilante in the city of Manhattan who guys by the name “Darelander.”. You cruise the city of Manhattan at night in a dark red and blue costume, spying on criminals who wish on innocent peoples downfall. Having to be a hero, you just jail every single one of them. A year passes, and you’re now 17 and all of New York is crime free. You meet a girl who’s name is Avery and you fall in love with her. 2 more years pass and you’re headed off to college with Avery, and everything is going good. You still haven’t revealed to her that you’re date lander, but you make sure to use your powers to make her feel as good as possible. One day you receive a call that your parents died, your powers for some reason didn’t recognize it so you instantly know someone found your secret identity. Weeks go by, you can’t find out who it is so you just give up on life. Avery has stopped answering your callas and texts, so you use your super speed to go to her dorm. You knock and when she opens, you see a half naked guy. You push him out of the way, and you look in and see Avery getting pounded by several dudes. Your emotions get so out of hand that even your powers can’t contain them, you punch the dude who answered the door straight in the jaw and his head flies off. Everyone starts screaming and yelling and crying, but you teleport back to your apartment and get your Darelander suit. You go on a rampage and make an oath to swear that everyone will pay. You consult God, who’s now a mere weakling to you with how many powers you have. He tells you to not do it, but you threaten him and he gives in in to letting you go out on Earth. First, you later off the faces of every dude who was in her dorm. Secondly, you reveal your identity to Avery and threaten and yell at her for hours. She’s crying and shaking, and finally you just finish her off with a neck snap. You fly out all the way to space, and using your heat vision eyes you lazer all of Earth to a pulp, nothing is left but some particles and dust. You instantly break down and start crying and going crazy because of what you did, you just lost everything. You go to Mars where you stay there for hundreds of years, every second that goes by you think about how much you regret killing Earth and how bored you are. Eventually, you go out to space and start conquering every galaxy and planet slowly. You are now known as the “Devil of Space”, and everyone in the universe knows who you are and fears you.
average maladaptive daydreaming experience be like
What’s the moral of the story
TLDR: 9 year old kid is paralayzed from a good deed, God and genie rewards him with wishes and he becomes a superhero who turns into a super villain because his girlfriend cheated.

Moral of the story, there isn’t one.
I read it. So even some giga attractive super Hero gets cheated on and gets emotions involved because he can truly never escape the human plane?
Yeah sure, but I guess the main part of it is him slowly going from a hero who doesn’t kill awful people to destroying planets and random children aliens.

average maladaptive daydreaming experience be like
How’d you know?
TLDR: 9 year old kid is paralayzed from a good deed, God and genie rewards him with wishes and he becomes a superhero who turns into a super villain because his girlfriend cheated.

Moral of the story, there isn’t one.
So just become a make wish kid theory is legit?
Yeah sure, but I guess the main part of it is him slowly going from a hero who doesn’t kill awful people to destroying planets and random children aliens.

How’d you know?
I just woke up bru
i was the genie
So you were maladaptive day dreaming too then?
So just become a make wish kid theory is legit?
I just woke up bru
No, the theory is that if you get superpowers then use them to your advantage and never be nice. I guess it’s like if you were a 6’6 chad you should never treat a girl good and just pump and dump them with no remorse. Also how? Do you live in fucking India or something
No, the theory is that if you get superpowers then use them to your advantage and never be nice. I guess it’s like if you were a 6’6 chad you should never treat a girl good and just pump and dump them with no remorse. Also how? Do you live in f*****g India or something
id be selfish but nice
and not pump and dump but be romantical
in life being a romanticist will help you enjoy things
