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Info I want to do foreplay with a woman more than sex


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
I wouldn't know, I am a virgin, but I genuinely think sex would just be drawn out and awkward.

I kinda find the thoughts of kissing her, showering with he, cuddling or holding hands to give me much more dopamine than just inserting the penis into the vagina and thrusting. It sounds way more appealing, way more arousing and writing this thread is making me rock hard :incel:

I would go so far as to say that if my hypothetical future significant other has a mutation where she can't have vaginally intercourse, I would still be completely fine with it. Like we would have good foreplay, kissing etc and she has to finish me off with her hand or something? Completely fine with me.
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Do you guys feel the same or the opposite ( caring more about the intercouse rather than what happens before etc ).
i honestly agree though, ive heard from other foids that intercourse is the lamest part of sex, and most of them enjoy foreplay the most🤷‍♀️ i wouldnt know tho
It’s true, the whole orgasm is build on the foreplay building up intimacy and excitement. The actual act often just helps bring everything to a conclusion.
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I wouldn't know, I am a virgin, but I genuinely think sex would just be drawn out and awkward.

I kinda find the thoughts of kissing her, showering with he, cuddling or holding hands to give me much more dopamine than just inserting the penis into the vagina and thrusting. It sounds way more appealing, way more arousing and writing this thread is making me rock hard :incel:

I would go so far as to say that if my hypothetical future significant other has a mutation where she can't have vaginally intercourse, I would still be completely fine with it. Like we would have good foreplay, kissing etc and she has to finish me off with her hand or something? Completely fine with me.
That's just because you are a virgin and haven't been broken in as far as sex goes. Trust me, not being able to penetrate would get old real quick. Getting off with just foreplay would begin to evolve after doing it like that a few times, and nature would start to take it's course.
i mean with this mentality you would be a better partner..not even from a lovey dovey point of view,just straight up from the fact that most women dont orgasm with vaginal penetration.But damn is it really shocking for men to desire this instead of ape fucking a girl?
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  • #15
i mean with this mentality you would be a better partner..not even from a lovey dovey point of view,just straight up from the fact that most women dont orgasm with vaginal penetration.But damn is it really shocking for men to desire this instead of ape fucking a girl?
I was under the impression that better orgasms resulted from foreplay + clitoris stimulation :unsure:
I wouldn't know, I am a virgin, but I genuinely think sex would just be drawn out and awkward.

I kinda find the thoughts of kissing her, showering with he, cuddling or holding hands to give me much more dopamine than just inserting the penis into the vagina and thrusting. It sounds way more appealing, way more arousing and writing this thread is making me rock hard :incel:

I would go so far as to say that if my hypothetical future significant other has a mutation where she can't have vaginally intercourse, I would still be completely fine with it. Like we would have good foreplay, kissing etc and she has to finish me off with her hand or something? Completely fine with me.
real, sex is more of an animalistic instinct, there's nothing so special about it if its done only with horniness. theres also more special kind of sex, but honestly simple acts just feel more pure and genuine.
, I would still be completely fine with it.
I wonder if you would have the same attitude if the first women to want to be in a relationship with you were to have ‘vagismus’ Anywho make sure you don’t reveal any of this to any woman you meet unless it’s clear she wants a relationship with you. Women want casual sex
Foreplay and oral sex in general are far better for women's pair bonding and pleasure

That's pretty much why women feel used after a hook-up, and that's why men skip these 2 crucial parts during a hook-up

I can confirm you need to master foreplay & oral sex first if you want her to enjoy penetration and rougher sex
I kinda find the thoughts of kissing her, showering with he, cuddling or holding hands to give me much more dopamine than just inserting the penis into the vagina and thrusting. It sounds way more appealing, way more arousing and writing this thread is making me rock hard :incel:
I would go so far as to say that if my hypothetical future significant other has a mutation where she can't have vaginally intercourse, I would still be completely fine with it. Like we would have good foreplay, kissing etc and she has to finish me off with her hand or something? Completely fine with me.
for me it would be the other way around
if i had no penis i would be fine with satisfying her
i am insecure about my body and my small dick as well so this may be a real option that i wont do intercourse with her
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  • #49
I wonder if you would have the same attitude if the first women to want to be in a relationship with you were to have ‘vagismus’ Anywho make sure you don’t reveal any of this to any woman you meet unless it’s clear she wants a relationship with you. Women want casual sex
Hook ups are not common here, people usually only have sex in a LTR

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