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Method I will definitely ascend in 2025(softmaxxing Plan for ending my khhv life)


Active member
Aug 9, 2024
This is literally just basic stuff but it feels good to write it down

Will go from 20% —-> 12% body fat.(The hardest softmaxx for me because I am a fatass. Starting tomorrow no more eating food until my oneitis acknowledges me)

Will get my NW0 hairline back from diligent finasteride + minoxidil + dermastamp(Only one month in and already seeing baby hairs)

I’ll probably buy a massive pack of biotin pills to try speed up hair growth to get the hairstyle that I know suits me the best

Will actually get masculine eyebrows from minoxidil + dying eyebrows.(May need to take applying the minoxidil more seriously as I apply after sunscreen and apply infrequently)

Will buy a quality foil razor for shaving - can’t afford to be lazy about it anymore

Have started using tretinoin to fix the minor skin issues I have + hyperpigmentation. (Will know my skincare routine is paying off when I get complimented on it)

If tret makes my nose smaller I’ll never complain about anything again

Facial symmetry
Sleeping on my back - Fix some asymmetry that’s probably present

Eye Area
Fillers for under eyes. Even if it’s cope there is nothing else I can do for my dark under eye area and I’m already using caffeine serum. There is 0 proof vouilifine works for under eye area. Dark circles = death ngl

Permajutting - I have compact midface and an overbite so this is a given. This could be quite difficult tbh as I don’t know how maintanable it is. I don’t need to jutt all the time however maybe just at social events and for social media pictures…very non-nt


Im going to oil-pull for a month to see if I can get whiter teeth from it. I already had a professional whitening session done which brought my teeth to average levels of whiteness - but I’m so fucking dumb I didn’t take the instructions after seriously and had ketchup a few hours later jfl. If oil-pulling doesn’t work, I’m getting crest 3D white strips

I have a gap in my teeth + they are chipped and as I previously mentioned I have an overbite. Depending on how permajutting goes I may be able to get away with the overbite but definitely NOT a gap and chip. The chipped teeth are an easy enough fix, after another teeth-whitening session I will get the fillers for them for a slight boost. The gap however I need invasilign or braces which is impossible for a poorcel like me

Enter Resin which will solve my teeth gap at least for long enough for me to get actual dental care. Only problem is I’ve had it my whole life so need to find someway to avoid people finding out. I’ll make a separate thread asking.

Keep doing what in doing in the gym(6 days a week for 1 month now). Just be more consistent with exercises I do each time every time.

Fix anterior pelvic tilt + rounded shoulders + forward neck posture. Been SUPER lazy with this and I’m literally missing out on height because of it. Also even other people have pointed it out as a huge failo…6’3 to 6’4?

Even though it’s unrealistic looking at a morph of me inspires me to take lookmaxxing way more seriously. Never kissing a girl at 19 is ridiculous🥲
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What do you train when you gymmax?
i hope you said you’d ’stop eating’ as a joke, losing bf% is more complex than less calories + weight loss

Plan for ending my khhv life​

dont starve yourself
your body will kick into survival mode and your metabolism will slow, it will be much harder to lose weight
go into a deficit with a healthy diet and lots of protein
if you have an overbite speak with an ortho
also measure the distance from your lower eyelid to your orbital bone, if the distance is big then get fillers

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