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JFL i will make my dick bigger.


Apr 2, 2024
Like lets say hypotheticaly i want a 32cm dick, its possible due to possible max size gains being based on your current size. I think i can safely do it in the span of about two years depending on my financial investment, i want to have a dick so big that when its hard i blackout from bloodloss. Anybody experienced, input highly appreciated. I will acheieveie my DiCk goal
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  • #6
surgery would introduce foreign bodies so it wouldn't be really my dick but silicone
Like lets say hypotheticaly i want a 32cm dick, its possible due to possible max size gains being based on your current size. I think i can safely do it in the span of about two years depending on my financial investment, i want to have a dick so big that when its hard i blackout from bloodloss. Anybody experienced, input highly appreciated. I will acheieveie my DiCk goal
I don't think you can really make your dick bigger dude. If there was anything solid that really worked people would know about it. It would be revolutionary. All you see is advertisements for stuff that obviously doesn't work because if it did that product would be super famous by now. It would be like the new sliced bread. Japanese porn would never be the same.
hormonal injections direct into the tissue plus negative pressure devices combined with stem cell treatments
That seems dangerous man what if you damage the nerves that give you pleasure in the first place
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  • #10
I don't think you can really make your dick bigger dude. If there was anything solid that really worked people would know about it. It would be revolutionary. All you see is advertisements for stuff that obviously doesn't work because if it did that product would be super famous by now. It would be like the new sliced bread. Japanese porn would never be the same.
well, stem cell treatments for dick size are well documented, so the only question is by how much, not if
Like lets say hypotheticaly i want a 32cm dick, its possible due to possible max size gains being based on your current size. I think i can safely do it in the span of about two years depending on my financial investment, i want to have a dick so big that when its hard i blackout from bloodloss. Anybody experienced, input highly appreciated. I will acheieveie my DiCk goal
What's your current size, no homo
Like lets say hypotheticaly i want a 32cm dick, its possible due to possible max size gains being based on your current size. I think i can safely do it in the span of about two years depending on my financial investment, i want to have a dick so big that when its hard i blackout from bloodloss. Anybody experienced, input highly appreciated. I will acheieveie my DiCk goal
why u even want it that big, bro 😭
hormonal injections direct into the tissue plus negative pressure devices combined with stem cell treatments
yes ive heard of this stem cell treatment and hormones, i think its promising
and anyways youd be like 4x as big as me
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  • #25
does seem to work but would have to be careful not to nuke my natural production, the better option for me would be megadosing hcg and somewhat small doses of other hormones directly into the tissue. its way more expensive than trt though
does seem to work but would have to be careful not to nuke my natural production, the better option for me would be megadosing hcg and somewhat small doses of other hormones directly into the tissue. its way more expensive than trt though
How r you fluent in these things? I didn't understand like half the text. Where did you learn? And is it worth learning for me? Or it is over at 18?
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  • #29
How r you fluent in these things? I didn't understand like half the text. Where did you learn? And is it worth learning for me? Or it is over at 18?
its all very basic, i learned it from like random snippets, some podcasts, read some research, maybe a couple of books, you just have to get the right framework for biology and thats it

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