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I wish gaining weight was easier for me


Well-known member
May 28, 2024
I swear it would be easier for me to lose 20 lbs than to gain 10. Ive been told multiple times by random ppl that i look too skinny but gaining weight is so much work. I tried making high calorie smoothies but it literally makes me feel sick for some reason :/ Im just complaining. Im 5’7 and 95 lbs btw
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fuck you nobody cares about how skinny you are it's just because you're a little rat that needs to follow it's masters command
dont try to eat if you are full, you will only be sick
dont eat stuff that is overwhelmingly gross in large quantities because your stomach wont handle that either
make your protein shakes delicious and eat till full, put the rest in the fridge
also try meat and dairy
I swear it would be easier for me to lose 20 lbs than to gain 10. Ive been told multiple times by random ppl that i look too skinny but gaining weight is so much work. I tried making high calorie smoothies but it literally makes me feel sick for some reason :/ Im just complaining. Im 5’7 and 95 lbs btw
GNAg_K0WoAE7W-C.jpegYou should try a pro-metabolic diet
Is it saying the foods on the top are the ones i should eat more of?
That's right, these foods support energy metabolism and help thyroid function.

T3 is the key to an accelerated metabolism which allows your body to process nutrients and build new tissue.

Stress, inflammation and a low-carbohydrate diet reduce t3 levels.
im trying to gain weight with healthy stuff like nuts, peanut butter, potatoes, cause theyre high in calories. i eat fastfood sometimes but it worries me cause I know its bad for like every part of your body
Nuts, legumes, peanuts and dried fruits, even if they are "caloric" foods, will not help you because they have a high content of PUFAS and are antimetabolic. I know this because I was there... when I thought I would gain weight that way, I did not.
I swear it would be easier for me to lose 20 lbs than to gain 10. Ive been told multiple times by random ppl that i look too skinny but gaining weight is so much work. I tried making high calorie smoothies but it literally makes me feel sick for some reason :/ Im just complaining. Im 5’7 and 95 lbs btw
I struggled with it too, I thought it was just impossible for me to gain weight, that was until I started going to the gym. I used to never really care for eating. I didn't have an eating disorder. I'd just forget to eat and didn't have much of an appetite, I could go a whole day without eating and only feel hungry midway through the second day, eating just felt like a chore at times. It's really not about having one large meal in a day, it's multiple meals dispersed throughout it and sticking to a regime every single day. As I ate more, my appetite increased and if I didn't eat or missed a meal I'd get hungry and be inclined to eat. I put on like 5kg in one month with the help of the gym, I felt brilliant. I don't have a gym in the current town I live in, so I lost weight again and got sucked back into the habit of not eating.

well what I'm trying to say is gaining weight is never impossible, as long as you are on calorie surplus you WILL gain weight, it's always hard at first but you will eventually ease into it. Good luck to you.
This is terrible advice, it's all about gaining lean mass. Not about being a horrible fat guy.
Calories and protein matter for that

Make a strategy where u get calories from fats and protein from meat
Mind gut connection look it up
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still, specially given it is a women. Thats kinda of inversed mindset of Brazilians who have a natural curve and only focus on losing weight or getting bigger butts and legs.
Im American & I think its better to have some muscle even as a women. I want to healthmaxx
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Laugh my ass off, you think you have a problem because you have trouble gaining weight? Too bad we don't all have that problem.
Do you have the opposite problem? I guess its because you dont relate you don’t understand. Being underweight isnt a good thing though, its not really a good problem to have. I mean being underweight is unhealthy. Too bad not everyone is underweight?
Do you have the opposite problem? I guess its because you dont relate you don’t understand. Being underweight isnt a good thing though, its not really a good problem to have. I mean being underweight is unhealthy. Too bad not everyone is underweight?
When I was a child/teen I was extremely thin, the problem was I just didn't eat.
I swear it would be easier for me to lose 20 lbs than to gain 10. Ive been told multiple times by random ppl that i look too skinny but gaining weight is so much work. I tried making high calorie smoothies but it literally makes me feel sick for some reason :/ Im just complaining. Im 5’7 and 95 lbs btw
Buy some flavorless mass gainer and eat a diverse diet. Training will also help you look less skinny. If problems stay, see a doctor, there might be an issue like a parasite or something else.

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