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I would probably be average looking if I starved myself

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sounds alr ,3000 cals still seem a lot but I wouldn't know ..ig a looksmin for u
i only eat meat and eggs so i suspect 3000 calories that way isn’t quite the same as 3000 calories of carbs since you burn off extra energy due to the protein content
i only eat meat and eggs so i suspect 3000 calories that way isn’t quite the same as 3000 calories of carbs since you burn off extra energy due to the protein content
it’s not the same but a calorie surplus is still a calorie surplus so
im right tho
1 mile of running burns 100 calories and is miserable and stressful and takes time and calcifies your arteries
its pointless
i don’t run, i walk.
LISS is on top, but if someone prefers running for calorie burn then that’s fine. it depends on what the individual prefers.
Just increase your walking to places.

Alsoraw carnivore isn’t necessarily the best diet for losing weight, great for maintaining and being fertile though
