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Serious I'd rather have a blue haired liberal feminist gf than a traditional Christian one


Sep 20, 2024
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Traditional Christian foids don't interest me at all. I'd pay money to never see another Christian again in my life. It's a stupid thing to crave. Christians are NPCs, no exception. Trad Christian foid is just another way of saying karen. Fuck that shit. And that bitch expects me to financially support her? Hell fucking no. I ain't no pay pig. The traditional family model is a joke for men. You little trad redpill zoomer faggots need to watch some fucking MGTOW videos. Christians foids aren't even good for human sacrifice since they aren't virgins.

I'm not afraid of feminist liberal foids. I'll just summon Duke Dantalion and have him turn her into my submissive DDLG sex toy
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Retarded take imo. Liberal feminist are more likely to be a slut, more likely to be degenerate (beacuse of overconsuming there own culture) etc...

Are you a leftist or you just hate Christianity op?
Not necessarily, most won’t leave you the second you can’t provide anything
both are shit tbh
i mean it depends
christians, they like to ridicule me and others and act self righteous, not always but is very common. not just christianity, but other religions, like islam and judaism there is a belief that their religion is the superior one and that everyone else is going to be their goyim slaves and/or go to hell.
and also finding virgins is rare. does not matter if christian girl or lib girl. christian girl will be secretive and self righteous, lib will be unashamed and loud about it
liberal girls are also ridiculing and self righteous. they believe their ideology is superior and shame others who disagree, calling them bigots and cancelling them, being sensitive.
theyre both the same
either way a girl is a girl, they're all humans with their aspects
Clones responses when someone disagrees with his retarded takes
there's no such thing as retarded take
people have their own views on things based on their experiences
unless the take involves
  • Intelligence quotient (IQ): An IQ score of 70 or below, which is two standard deviations below the population mean of 100.

  • Adaptive behavior: Significant limitations in adaptive behavior, which is the ability to perform daily activities expected for a person's age. This includes deficits in conceptual, social, and practical skills.

  • Onset: The onset of the impairment must occur before age 18.
there's no such thing as retarded take
people have their own views on things based on their experiences
unless the take involves
  • Intelligence quotient (IQ): An IQ score of 70 or below, which is two standard deviations below the population mean of 100.
This is Clone he rides the short bus
  • Adaptive behavior: Significant limitations in adaptive behavior, which is the ability to perform daily activities expected for a person's age. This includes deficits in conceptual, social, and practical skills.
He has autism so yeah

  • Onset: The onset of the impairment must occur before age 18.
Yeah he’s 12 year old
Based opinion. Lib girls have more interesting style than Christian women. Most of them have shit personalities too. But Christian women also... maybe it's a women problem...
Interesting, I thought men liked the trad virgin religious girls but seems to not be the case.
I also prefer a liberal simp guy to be my bf so I can be worshipped by him.
Interesting, I thought men liked the trad virgin religious girls but seems to not be the case.
I also prefer a liberal simp guy to be my bf so I can be worshipped by him.
If you look at thread you see that the majority of people disagree w op
Interesting, I thought men liked the trad virgin religious girls but seems to not be the case.
I also prefer a liberal simp guy to be my bf so I can be worshipped by him.
There are people who like them too.
To be honest ANY style can be liked if your face is pretty enough. Stacy can be punk, hippie, trad, or whatever, she wil still be desired by anyone, even men who are not into that style
Based opinion. Lib girls have more interesting style than Christian women. Most of them have shit personalities too. But Christian women also... maybe it's a women problem...
Based opinion.Lib fuckboys have more interesting style than redpill men.Most of them have shit personalities too. But redpill men also...maybe it's a men problem...
Based opinion.Lib fuckboys have more interesting style than redpill men.Most of them have shit personalities too. But redpill men also...maybe it's a men problem...
Redpill men are delusional recessed 40 yr old men, of course that a woman would choose anything above from that.
Also this copy paste thinking I'm redpill shows the lack of intellect inherent in a female like u
Redpill men are delusional recessed 40 yr old men, of course that a woman would choose anything above from that.
Also this copy paste thinking I'm redpill shows the lack of intellect inherent in a female like u
I didn't think you're redpill if anything I drew a parallel between trad women and redpill guys..Now tell me why you're being such a lil bitch
