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If anyone gets monkeypox its so over

Brand new psyop to get our big pharma jab, 5 times per month

Just like the c-word, isolated and jabbed into oblivion

Don't know if NPCs will take the bait, because western healthcare have enough medications and antibiotics against monkeypox, but i wouldn't be surprised if we cannot find it anymore lmao. And normally it doesn't impact healthy individuals

Safety protocol : Stay away from animals, a certain skin coulour and a certain sexual orientation

The guy gets cured in 2 months, which is impressive. For scars you should probably go for the tretinoin and microneedling device protocol, BUT I DON'T KNOW if it's possible to treat monkeypox scars
What the fuck is this monkey pox shit

I need to read the news more often....
i want it to happen (i am anxious world hating depressed incel)

also do you think it'll help stop the wars
I don't think it will be like the COVID pandemic. COVID felt more like a test to see how far people would go to protect their freedom. Only God knows what they might do this time if there will be a quarantine. It will be more extreme with more extreme measures.

I doubt the wars will stop, at least not permanently. One thing I do like, though, is that I'm a crypto investor. During crises, you can count on two things to make money: gold and crypto, they always surge in price.
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