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Theory If you are trying to pull girls outside of your race, it’s a pretty big failo to…


Active member
Aug 9, 2024
Not embody the “positive” stereotypes of your race. The things I’m going to list for each race is a failo for everyone but particularly for your race in my experience

White Guys

This doesn’t really apply to white men as much - The phrase “Just be white” didn’t come from nowhere after all.

White men are just attractive in general and a lot of non-white women love white men for their whiteness(Especially alt-girls/“Femcel” girls).

I suppose White men are seen as the most romantic race and lose the least points for being corny/nerdy when trying to pull girls. So just be sufficient attractiveness and you’re all good

Black Guys

I know a lot of you guys see “When he’s tall and nerdy” tiktoks but this is NOT y’all. Urkcels have 0 appeal to any race and this makes up most blackcels. If you have this haircut you’re a volcel. Literally anything but that is better except being bald

Not being lean muscular and being athletic is doing yourself a disservice as a black guy - Im going to make the claim that most blackcels like white girls - but as the post suggests people stereotype black men as bigger, muscular guys. ( ). When girls say they like black guys this is who they mean most of the time

Not being able to dance/sing/entertain is also not doing your any favours as a black guy. Black people hugely influence the culture in these ways and non-black girls are view you as a representation of these things . I said not being able to dance or sing is the failo but being white-washed is perhaps what I mean. Why is a girl going to fuck with you if she can a white guy who is the same. This obviously doesn’t apply to all cases

And complete water but you should always be working on being ntmaxxing, being confident, social and low-inhib. Just “Don’t have autism” brah jfl. Nah but being shy or recluse as a black guy literally damages you so much in terms of slaying. 5’8 HTN+ Black guy joined my year two years ago and he was from south London and literally ran through all the hot girls in a year because he was NTmaxxed but different from everyone else

A lot of people misread the confidence/low-inhib pill as Thuggery. Which is why you hear non-black guys say white incels can’t exist and all they have to do is is Thugmaxx, but is not true and you should never do this. Tyronelite made a good thread on this on .org

Few more like not having perfect teeth, not having good hairline

East Asian Guys

Asian SMV is continuing to rise which is good news for them as it gives a decent selection of girls after looksmaxxing. We all know the negative racist stereotypes about Asians that will failo you but this thread is about the “positive” stereotypes that you need

Clear Skin. Plain and simple. Women who like Asian guys are most likely watching k-dramas and listening to k-pop. All idols have perfect, lighter skin so if you don’t have that you automatically are removing yourself from the type of guys she likes. I don’t know a lot about skin lightening and wouldn’t recommend it for a lot of people but doing it in a Safe manner could help as well as running Korean skin care game. Acne will probably remove you from her interest if this is you

I know some of you guys have seen black/white/indians girls who are visiting/ have moved to an East Asian country. They normally bash their home country but they usually highlight how classy/how well dressed every hot guy is. This is also true for international students in my college - literally whole friend groups are full of fashion moggers who get iois from white girls. If an Asian guy is pulling girls in the club he’s probably one of the best dressed guys there from what I’ve observed.Asian Mfs in my lectures wear fucking anime shirts and South Park hoodies to class jfl.Maybe because I’m doing a stem course but it’s a Huge failo ngl

Few more like not seeming well-mannered/ not being educated(NOT IN A NERDY INCEL WAY)

I’ll eventually do Arabs/Indians but I haven’t observed enough positive stereotypes carrying their slaying history to comment yet.

Also want to make it clear that I don’t condone racism towards anyone

These are things that I recognise are failos in myself and am actively working to fix. I know the things I mentioned failo everyone but the whole point of the thread is that it is especially detrimental to X race, but won’t carry you if you are below HTN. Thoughts?
Tagging some mfs I interacted with @d6rk.knight @fable @Whitepill @Clone
Can’t relate, tbh, because I live in a strictly white country. Good thread anyways.

On point with Asian guys. There’s just something about the hair, clear skin, and fashion.

Having a positive racial identity is important. If you embrace your pheno/race, you will become ‘exotically beautiful’ in a way.
Even if you have conventionally attractive face red undertones are failo imo
what about freckles

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