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Info If you have money, Malaysia is better than Singapore

Any SEAcels here?
Yes Malaysia is way better than Singapore, whether you have money or not. And I'd even imagine you need more money to live comfortably in Singapore than you would in Malaysia.

Singapore has way too many rules. Long working hours and is too orderly. I've heard expat friends refer to living in Singapore as living in a giant hospital. I like a place that's a little bit lawless.
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  • #6

Yes Malaysia is way better than Singapore, whether you have money or not. And I'd even imagine you need more money to live comfortably in Singapore than you would in Malaysia.

Singapore has way too many rules. Long working hours and is too orderly. I've heard expat friends refer to living in Singapore as living in a giant hospital. I like a place that's a little bit lawless.
Legit, I live in much more luxury than most Singaporeans I know.

The "well off" ones still live in an apartment with no car/transport of their own.

Meanwhile my house is spacious enough to have a garden, yard and workout area. My grandmother's house has a plot of land where she has 3 coconut trees she can harvest + fruits and peas.

I used to live at the border (Johor) and Singaporeans would often come to Malaysia to spend their money.

Singapore has way too many rules. Long working hours and is too orderly. I've heard expat friends refer to living in Singapore as living in a giant hospital. I like a place that's a little bit lawless.
Pretty much. Still an amazing country though, its just a shame that they were chased out of Malaysia during Independence.
Legit, I live in much more luxury than most Singaporeans I know.

The "well off" ones still live in an apartment with no car/transport of their own.

Meanwhile my house is spacious enough to have a garden, yard and workout area. My grandmother's house has a plot of land where she has 3 coconut trees she can harvest + fruits and peas.

I used to live at the border (Johor) and Singaporeans would often come to Malaysia to spend their money.

Pretty much. Still an amazing country though, its just a shame that they were chased out of Malaysia during Independence.
Fighting has to be semi legal. In the US people talk so much shit because 99% of the time everyone will still be reluctant to fight. They're like a bunch of immature dogs separated by a fence barking at each other. If you fight in a stupid Western "1st world" country you're gonna have a bad record and will have a lot of trouble getting a job or renting an apartment for years to come. It's fucking retarded.

Just a couple weeks ago this girl came into our restaurant cussing up a storm. She wasn't happy with her food. Said it was cold. Came in asking to speak to the boss. The boss apologized and offered her a refund but the girl continued to insult her. Called her an "ugly c***k lesbian" and so forth. In China this would never have happened. She would have instantly been beaten to within an inch of her life and after the police came the boss would have had to pay her a few $100 and that would have been the end of it. No criminal records for anyone. That's the way it should be everywhere.

A society where it's not a big deal to knock someone the fuck out is a polite society. Western ideals turn people into a bunch of petty losers.
Legit, I live in much more luxury than most Singaporeans I know.

The "well off" ones still live in an apartment with no car/transport of their own.

Meanwhile my house is spacious enough to have a garden, yard and workout area. My grandmother's house has a plot of land where she has 3 coconut trees she can harvest + fruits and peas.

I used to live at the border (Johor) and Singaporeans would often come to Malaysia to spend their money.

Pretty much. Still an amazing country though, its just a shame that they were chased out of Malaysia during Independence.
We're thinking of maybe one day down the road buying property in Malaysia. I've heard that it's pretty easy for foreigners to buy property there. And it's got a significant Chinese population which is good for us. In Singapore I understand that the Chinese population are a bunch of cunts to mainland Chinese. They look down on their people from the mainland.
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  • #10
In Singapore I understand that the Chinese population are a bunch of cunts to mainland Chinese. They look down on their people from the mainland.
In Malaysia too tbh, but it's nowhere nearly as bad.

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