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I'm afraid to hook up because of my small dick


May 5, 2024
I had many chances to have random sex with girls but i was afraid to do it because i think my dick is to small.
I only want a relationship because if i had a relationship the girl maybe will not care that much , but hook up and ons the dick size matter.
Depends on how small. Also, dick size is kinda similar to height. If you are 5’11 you can say you are 6’0. If it’s 13 cm you can say 14-15, especially if it’s thick. I have a mid size(16 cm) fat one, so I easily say it’s 18 cm. One boy(im bi) didn’t even believe me when I said it’s 16
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Depends on how small. Also, dick size is kinda similar to height. If you are 5’11 you can say you are 6’0. If it’s 13 cm you can say 14-15, especially if it’s thick. I have a mid size(16 cm) fat one, so I easily say it’s 18 cm. One boy(im bi) didn’t even believe me when I said it’s 16
14cm length 12.5 cm girth
start penis pumping, you can buy one online for like $40 and they have been shown in studies to give results, you can gain like another inch of length and half inch of girth
Never really measured that, but sounds kinda a lot. It is almost like its length. That would be massive, no? Or maybe I am thinking of the wrong measurement. No way 12.5 cm is real
you measure girth in circumference, not diameter

his dick is 12.5 all the way around
At 14x12.5cm you can fuck. Girls inches make them believe you're packing 16x13cm.

It's just hookups, you have no commitment to them, you're not obligated to satisfy them either.

Fuck them and ghost them, who cares.

But for a long-term relationship, it matters. She'll analyse your performances and size with all her friends, compare, and build resentment overtime if you're doesn't match their expectations

But for hookups ? who cares

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