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I'm anxious because i'm small but am afraid to get big


May 5, 2024
I weight like 135lbs at 5ft8 (narrow clavicles, small wrist, small everything even penis at 13.5cm ) and i am afraid to act confident/assertive/dominant because i always think someone might want to start a fight with me or put me in my place if i act bigger than i am or even if it's not about a fight .. if a big guy is trying to be assertive i don't know what to do because i feel like anything that i will say will not scare anybody.

The funny thing is that i know to fight but even if i was the best MMA fighter in the world i just feel inferior being so small .
People respect you based on what they see not what you are able to do

I have 2 options.

1. Get steroids/get big and muscular so i can act confident and live a high quality life.

2. But i want to look young and beautiful.. Gym/Steroids/Bulking and a high calories diet will make me look older , ugly and make me feel sick/unhealthy so it will be over for my chances with girls

If i become ogre i will look ugly and old .. girls will not like me but men will respect me.. idk what to do fuck
I will also fuck up my teeth eating shit food with sugar to gain weight because i am poor
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Ah.. I asked because I thought you were younger (puberty).
Tbh I would not roid Bro.
Will it even look good on average or slightly below avg frame?
If you roid, be prepared for the sides tho (including collagen loss)
I have similar problem honestly.
I think the best way is to do train mindset and do martial arts until you become very good at it.
Strong facial bone features can also be intimidating, but this one you either have or not.
Also countrys like Romania, Albania etc are a different level lol.
So many strong guys live there.
I would feel the same as you not gonna lie
You 100% have low test. I used to feel legit the same. Now I'm narcissistic + believe in my immortality and ability to quickly heal any wound, so that's not an issue anymore, but I know how you feel.

First of all, you need higher test. There is a lot of guides out there, you can check. I liked that vid, as he claims to be a trainer and an endocrinologist + said he linked studies supporting his claims. Didn't check tho.

Second, why tf would you need roids and eat high sugar foods to get big? Just eat meat(it is also good for test. generally bodybuilding and boosting test go together), eggs, milk and stuff. You can also buy protein bars. Idk where you live, but I buy "Fit and Joy" ones, they cost me 9$ per 32 bars, each having 13 protein. Internet and my doc told me they are not unhealthy(unlike protein shakes)

Unless you eat shitty foods(like the unhealthies guy on yt Sam Sulek does) and unless do steroids(like he does too. You can watch his vids to see how NOT to live), you won't age badly and you won't look like an ogre. Btw, looking like an ogre is generally a sign of HGH abuse
Train natty.

Then you would have zero worries about anything. Also getting on roids with bad body image is gonna be bad for you lol. Roids are drugs, and you can develop an mental addiction to it.

You also won't age from working out significantly jfl
1/ Leanbulking : Avoid the junkfood, and eat whole foods. Eat your proteins, your healthy carbs and fat. Micronutrients matters so you need to eat your vegetables and fruits

2/ Training : Focus on heavy compound movements. You need to train close to failure : Shoulders presses, pull-ups, weighted push-ups, dips, deadlifts, squats, hip thrusts etc and add few other movements to increase your frame : upright rows, lateral raises, any biceps/triceps/forearms exercises

3/ Train Muay ThaÏ. You'll build confidence because you'll know you can smoke 3/4 of the male gender, even the taller ones

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