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Rage Im done with bulking


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
Fuck "muhh muscles" "muhh physique"

I cant take it im lean bulking and my face is still tyrning to shit. Im going on a intense cut for the next 2 weeks i just cant stand the bloat + increasing bf
No it’s never necessary. Just eat natural diet theory
it’s okay to bulk because it does promote faster muscle gain, but it’s not necessary for muscle gain in general. it is okay to do for certain physique preferences.
he seems to want to stay lean so bulking for him wouldn’t be too necessary, because of the fat he would gain during the process which he doesn’t want. but if you want to get pretty big then it pretty much would be smarter to do bulk and cut phases for a quicker process.
i’d personally never do a bulk phase either, farthest i’ll go is maintenance.
bulk is only necessarily if youre a twig
otherwise bulk is unnecessary
facts it’s a huge misconception that bulking is necessary
it’s necessary if you are a twig (assuming you dont like skinny girls). i hate the idea of a twink and im not into thin girls so id even rather be a fatass than be skinny af
Fuck "muhh muscles" "muhh physique"

I cant take it im lean bulking and my face is still tyrning to shit. Im going on a intense cut for the next 2 weeks i just cant stand the bloat + increasing bf
Makes sense I can’t take it either! Don’t forget there are others going through worse but we just gotta let it go smoothly so you can feel a lot better LifeFuel! Sometimes the bulking journey can feel overwhelming, especially when you're not seeing the results you want but A two-week cut sounds like a good plan to reset and feel more comfortable. Just remember to listen to your body and take care of yourself during this process drink yo water bud You got it!
unpopular opinion but for the female gaze oriented looksmaxxing, cardio is far more beneficial than building muscles, and far more important than end up being a fatbloat on sarms. No one cares about your tree trunk legs
What's your weight right now and body fat percentage in your estimation?

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