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Im fat?


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019


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skinnyfat but not fat
You are lean, just brutal love handles
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  • #8
You are lean, just brutal love handles
How much bodyfat you think i have? How to reduce love handles? Some drug help to lose stubborn fat?
How much bodyfat you think i have? How to reduce love handles? Some drug help to lose stubborn fat?
Ultrasound cavitation or fat-dissolving injections at a clinic
you just need to gymmaxx bro
muscles are not cope?
no they are not cope, body halo is real and you won’t keep posting that you look ‘fat.’
it helps your physique look better
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  • #26
no they are not cope, body halo is real and you won’t keep posting that you look ‘fat.’
it helps your physique look better
but is not better first lose fat and after gain muscle?
but is not better first lose fat and after gain muscle?
you look quite skinny already, getting skinnier would mean you look worse and emaciated.
if you’re so scared of gaining fat then just focus on eating at maintenance, eating high protein, and going hard in the gym.
give it a try for at least 4 months.
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  • #28
you look quite skinny already, getting skinnier would mean you look worse and emaciated.
if you’re so scared of gaining fat then just focus on eating at maintenance, eating high protein, and going hard in the gym.
give it a try for at least 4 months.
I think i have trauma of look fat because i im fat almost all my life. how much bodyfat you think im now?
I think i have trauma of look fat because i im fat almost all my life. how much bodyfat you think im now?
don’t worry i understand that if you were fat before weight gain and eating more becomes scary but i have hope in u
you look to be like maybe 16-17% i think.
please focus on building muscle.
You don't look bad. You need a better physique, so I would recommend gymmaxxing, and then try to get rid of that stubborn fat.

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