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im pregnant

Keep it, give it up for adoption or if nessasary like genetic mutations on either side and shit abort
i been decent. Still obsessed with my oneitis's. if you remember. What about u? I got banned for making an alt.
im glad i stopped chasing my old “oneitis” that conniving bitch had me wrapped around her finger

im still dating the same girl from back then, hit 5 month mark this dec 17th

ive been the same ngl, chilling get on org in my freetime i use it instead of tiktok or instagram
im glad i stopped chasing my old “oneitis” that conniving bitch had me wrapped around her finger

im still dating the same girl from back then, hit 5 month mark this dec 17th

ive been the same ngl, chilling get on org in my freetime i use it instead of tiktok or instagram
happy to hear u got a gf man. Oneitis shit is nasty shit. I have a new oneitis still think about the old one. But atleast my new one has a heart. I can tell.
Raise your baby

You are a strong woman.
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