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Story im so cooked dude


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
there is this guy who im sorta friends with (we eat at the same table at lunch) and hes really sweet and actually makes an effort to talk to me, and i think im starting to catch feeling just a little bit but im fucking cooked so bad because hes a sophmore and im senoir broooo. ik im a pedo and thats gross but lowk ive never had a guy be this nice to me. feel free to flame me for being a pedo i need to snap out of this its bad like this is bad๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
there is this guy who im sorta friends with (we eat at the same table at lunch) and hes really sweet and actually makes an effort to talk to me, and i think im starting to catch feeling just a little bit but im fucking cooked so bad because hes a sophmore and im senoir broooo. ik im a pedo and thats gross but lowk ive never had a guy be this nice to me. feel free to flame me for being a pedo i need to snap out of this its bad like this is bad๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
how is 2 year difference a pedo? tf u on
Nah female pedos aren't blamed that much + 2 years difference don' make you a pedo

And imagine now it's worse female teachers rather sucking their students dick than dating a guy the same age, when i was a student my teachers looked like randy savage and sylvester stallone premium bruh

Anyways you would be fine. Try your luck, who care if he don't even drive, you drive now kween
This new generation are so scared of being labelled pedos, they're scared of 2 year age gaps. They want you to only date someone who was born on your exact date of birth ๐Ÿ˜‚
Yeah fr itโ€™s so retarded. I asked my friends if you were 18 would you date a 16 year old? Fucking all of them said no thatโ€™s pedophilia fucking jfl

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