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I'm the best basketball player right now.

James Othy

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2023
Last Wednesday night I became the best basketball player in the world. Until then I never did my homework and was mostly just a bench warmer. The girls on the cheerleading squad wear shorts skirts. They tickled my fancy a little bit with their pretty legs but that was never enough to get me motivated. Last Wednesday before the big game though my disabled lab partner, Donna, came over my house asking if we could study together. I got a boner and she proceeded to help me get some of my homework done. After that I went to play and did better than anyone in recorded history. Currently I'm in the midst of negotiating an 800 million dollar contract with the Toronto Raptors. It's a whirlwind dealing with all these agents and potential sponsors. Thank you so much Donna.
Last Wednesday night I became the best basketball player in the world. Until then I never did my homework and was mostly just a bench warmer. The girls on the cheerleading squad wear shorts skirts. They tickled my fancy a little bit with their pretty legs but that was never enough to get me motivated. Last Wednesday before the big game though my disabled lab partner, Donna, came over my house asking if we could study together. I got a boner and she proceeded to help me get some of my homework done. After that I went to play and did better than anyone in recorded history. Currently I'm in the midst of negotiating an 800 million dollar contract with the Toronto Raptors. It's a whirlwind dealing with all these agents and potential sponsors. Thank you so much Donna.
Me and the boys when the PE teachers say were going to play basketball.
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Stick to sports betting pal. You might win more.
I don't like to make bets. My great grandpa Jack came home from work early one day and caught my great grandma Sally gambling with her girlfriends then beat the hell out if her. He detested gambling. His father lost everything to gambling when he was a boy.

Did you know that my great grandma Sally's grandmother was the first female doctor in the state of New York?
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