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In this thread, tell me my biggest flaws


13 inches or it’s over
Established ★★
Oct 11, 2024
What are the biggest problems with my face and personality that come across here? Its not as accurate as if you personally know me but leme know and I wont be bitter or combative. Maybe theres an insecure or insufferable element of my personality, whatever it is make it known on this thread
Maybe not looks because you can't be "too handsome" you know

Maybe theres an insecure or insufferable element of my personality
Can't tell honestly, because we never had beef

Maybe a huge ego ? idk
What are the biggest problems with my face and personality that come across here? Its not as accurate as if you personally know me but leme know and I wont be bitter or combative. Maybe theres an insecure or insufferable element of my personality, whatever it is make it known on this thread
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What are the biggest problems with my face and personality that come across here? Its not as accurate as if you personally know me but leme know and I wont be bitter or combative. Maybe theres an insecure or insufferable element of my personality, whatever it is make it known on this thread
Get your lips reduced in volume a little bit.
Your personality is good bro, don’t worry about that. Just get your lip volume reduced a bit like I said and enjoy your life.
My personality is probably shit with girls I like then absolutely brutal
My personality is probably shit with girls I like then absolutely brutal
To be fair, if I was actually a well adjusted human being I wouldn’t be in these cesspits, maybe try NTmaxxing I guess (I desperately need to that’s for sure).
My personality is probably shit with girls I like then absolutely brutal
To be fair, if I was actually a well adjusted human being I wouldn’t be in these cesspits, maybe try NTmaxxing I guess (I desperately need to that’s for sure).
To be fair, if I was actually a well adjusted human being I wouldn’t be in these cesspits, maybe try NTmaxxing I guess (I desperately need to that’s for sure).
I come off as NT but i get pumped and dumped like a LTB the last girl i dated lasted a few days just like everyone else