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JFL incel and femcel scales

dude ive been told im a 2, i look like a guy , and have had ppl ask me out on a dare tf u mean femcels dont exist
nothing compared to the treatment incel men get

also if u could just get normal hair and get a job u would have a bf super easily
Not even a job, humans don’t need jobs to get in relationships.
jobs like a cashier would boost her social skills and more talkative and people would like her more
(idk if it will make her any less of neurodivergent perosn but its possible)
all my options dont gaf everyone ive "dated" text me for nudes and are way older
u have never tried dating u just half assed it

do it with people u know or it wouldn't work(preferably someone u can meet irl)

isnt this supposed to be obvious
