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i mean stoning and lashing happens in islamic sharia law countries, right?
I'd say in every 3rd world countries. Modern Islamic cities and areas are very safe for everyone (Dubai for an example)

In the other hand in none-progressive Islamic areas such as Afhganistan women have no or very little rights. I don't say i support progressiveism, but Islam had very radical ideologies in the past
I'd say in every 3rd world countries. Modern Islamic cities and areas are very safe for everyone (Dubai for an example)

In the other hand in none-progressive Islamic areas such as Afhganistan women have no or very little rights. I don't say i support progressiveism, but Islam had very radical ideologies in the past
i mean ik some muslim ppl irl who say women should be beat to death (i live in US)
I'd say in every 3rd world countries. Modern Islamic cities and areas are very safe for everyone (Dubai for an example)

In the other hand in none-progressive Islamic areas such as Afhganistan women have no or very little rights. I don't say i support progressiveism, but Islam had very radical ideologies in the past
i mean stoning and lashing happens in islamic sharia law countries, right?

Sharia law is a thing in both UAE and Malaysia, but non Muslims follow secular law. It is a dual system.

It is unfair to compare these countries.
i mean ik some muslim ppl irl who say women should be beat to death (i live in US)
Those Uzbek door dashers I mentioned before that come in my restaurant are so damn mean to all the girls that work in the front. They're rude to everyone, but they look at those girls with pure unmistakable contempt every time they're forced to deal with them.

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