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Info Increase your reasoning power and overall have a better outlook on lige with this one trick.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Self reflection and contemplation.

Think about what you want to say. Then I want you to pretend like you are in an argument with someone with YOUR stances.

That will force you to find faults and errors and you will have to face your own biases.

This works especially well if you consider yourself "far right" or "far left".

You will realize how much programming affects your mind.
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  • #3
Imagine thinking someone is a "cuck" for being a vegetarian or being low IQ just because they are a woman.

Uncomfortable scenario, warning.

Imagine thinking women liked to be r***d, would they get mad if it happens to someone like their sister or mother? Seen this on incel forums before.

Or what about SFcels making fun of ethnics and callus themselves superior to every race while proclaiming that they apparently worship the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

These people don't see the irony because they are stuck in an echo chamber. The echoes are amplified by their hate and mental scars. They need to self reflect and contemplate their reasoning and irrationally hateful rhetorics
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  • #4
Imagine thinking someone is a "cuck" for being a vegetarian or being low IQ just because they are a woman.

Uncomfortable scenario, warning.

Imagine thinking women liked to be r***d, would they get mad if it happens to someone like their sister or mother? Seen this on incel forums before.

Or what about SFcels making fun of ethnics and callus themselves superior to every race while proclaiming that they apparently worship the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

These people don't see the irony because they are stuck in an echo chamber. The echoes are amplified by their hate and mental scars. They need to self reflect and contemplate their reasoning and irrationally hateful rhetorics
Kinda true, I live in the states so not many people are vegetarian so when I went vegetarian for about a year or so, the backlash was ridiculous
Self reflect is good yes. Always put yourself in someone else's shoes ( except dudes who wanna kill and kill people just cuz it gets them high. Psychopaths can never be reasoned with)
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  • #11
I would say this is water but there r many ppl ik irl that need to apply this advice
It's not water because everyone knows the concept of being open minded etc.

The problem is consciously applying it, which is what most people like you said, don't do

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