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Rage Inportant!

i didn't expect u to have a job
i thought u had inheritance money/generational wealth
Oh my goodness. Besides staying at my grandmother's house for a few months at a time, on three different occasions, I've been completely on my own for the last 16 years. Haven't gotten squat from my parents. They're wealthy enough but they never wanted to have to give me, their only child, a thing. Never talked to me about going to college or anything when I was a kid. Encourage me to join the Marines when the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full swing just a few weeks after my best friend from highschool was killed over there (2009).

They buy themselves expensive motorbikes, boats, and go on scuba diving trips to Mexico and throughout the Caribbean at least two times every year but are deathly afraid of me asking for any bit of financial help even though I've never asked them for shit. They're very very bad people.
Oh my goodness. Besides staying at my grandmother's house for a few months at a time, on three different occasions, I've been completely on my own for the last 16 years. Haven't gotten squat from my parents. They're wealthy enough but they never wanted to have to give me, their only child, a thing. Never talked to me about going to college or anything when I was a kid. Encourage me to join the Marines when the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full swing just a few weeks after my best friend from highschool was killed over there (2009).

They buy themselves expensive motorbikes, boats, and go on scuba diving trips to Mexico and throughout the Caribbean at least two times every year but are deathly afraid of me asking for any bit of financial help even though I've never asked them for shit. They're very very bad people.
so my guess of u being from a rich family was right
but the catch is they're rich but bad people 😔
so my guess of u being from a rich family was right
but the catch is they're rich but bad people 😔
Yeah, I left their house permanently at 21 years old and they didn't contact me for about 10 years while I lived in Asia working as an English teacher. They emailed me a couple of times when I first went over there but just stopped talking to me.
Yeah, I left their house permanently at 21 years old and they didn't contact me for about 10 years while I lived in Asia working as an English teacher. They emailed me a couple of times when I first went over there but just stopped talking to me.
wierd people in the west at least shouldve called once a month or once in half a year
wierd people in the west at least shouldve called once a month or once in half a year
White people in America have lost all their priorities generally speaking. Not all are as bad as the family I came from. They lack humanity. They're evil too. I can remember my mother planning to poison a neighbor's well when I was a kid back when we lived in Virginia. You might think I'm just talking about some off the cuff remark I overheard but I remembered her and my father, a cop at the time, seriously discussing how to go through with it and not get caught. They never went through with it though.