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Introducing Guilds

How does it work though do you just put it in account details? Where does it display it
On mobile I can’t see it


  • 1715985574929.gif
    42 bytes · Views: 1
I guess I have to look harder in the mobile view
Also I can’t be at my pc often at home
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • Staff
  • #21
You should make it more so that people have to register a guild and then people pick from the list. I feel like that would be interesting
no, dont make people pick a guild. and usually when they will be picking they are newbies who have no idea whats going on. and forcing guild is not good idea
no, dont make people pick a guild. and usually when they will be picking they are newbies who have no idea whats going on. and forcing guild is not good idea
Ok that’s fair
Light mode mogs
for your pfp yeah, your pfp is light low contrast so it suits with a lighter background, in fact mogs hard
all other pfps are typically high contrast and or dark so darker suits better
i'd say 85% of the time dark mogs
for your pfp yeah, your pfp is light low contrast so it suits with a lighter background, in fact mogs hard
all other pfps are typically high contrast and or dark so darker suits better
i'd say 85% of the time dark mogs
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