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Introducing myself ✌🏾


New member
Aug 7, 2024
Hello, im a female 17yo. I just finished high school and i need a glow up before starting college. I dont know if i always hang out with prettier girls that fade me away but i never got the "beauty privilege". I have curly hair, and i really dont want my hair to be straighten in fear of killing the curls, so i want curly haircut suggestions. Plz. Thx <3
What's your hair type? Btw
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your hair is fine and good but what do you look like?
I dont feel confortable yet yo show my face ! But i consider myself as a dark skin girl, with croocked teeth and big eye bags •-•'
Hello, im a female 17yo. I just finished high school and i need a glow up before starting college. I dont know if i always hang out with prettier girls that fade me away but i never got the "beauty privilege". I have curly hair, and i really dont want my hair to be straighten in fear of killing the curls, so i want curly haircut suggestions. Plz. Thx <3
Welcome @hilly!
Hello, im a female 17yo. I just finished high school and i need a glow up before starting college. I dont know if i always hang out with prettier girls that fade me away but i never got the "beauty privilege". I have curly hair, and i really dont want my hair to be straighten in fear of killing the curls, so i want curly haircut suggestions. Plz. Thx <3
Let's see that face honey bunn.
I dont feel confortable yet yo show my face ! But i consider myself as a dark skin girl, with croocked teeth and big eye bags •-•'
I'll bet you're plumb gorgeous. Don't be shy now.
Hello, im a female 17yo. I just finished high school and i need a glow up before starting college. I dont know if i always hang out with prettier girls that fade me away but i never got the "beauty privilege". I have curly hair, and i really dont want my hair to be straighten in fear of killing the curls, so i want curly haircut suggestions. Plz. Thx <3
Excellent name and pfp by the way.
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