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introducing myself


New member
Aug 10, 2024
yo i’m just starting looksmaxxing and i’d like some honest feedback (just turned 16)IMG_7797.jpeg
what does that mean?
High tier normie it's forum lingo the list goes ltn low tier norime then mtn mid tier normie an htn High tier norime the other two are chadlite and chad

On here though an htn is chadlite in real life if he has height halo and other striking features and chad is perfection something like an icon face wise the average guy is an ltn so your good
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  • #6
High tier normie it's forum lingo the list goes ltn low tier norime then mtn mid tier normie an htn High tier norime the other two are chadlite and chad

On here though an htn is chadlite in real life if he has height halo and other striking features and chad is perfection something like an icon face wise the average guy is an ltn so your good
shitttt thank you 🙏. if i really locked in could i reach chadlite?
shitttt thank you 🙏. if i really locked in could i reach chadlite?
Yeah just lock in and softmax to hell and back you would probably reach it naturally as you get older also I Over exaggerated don't go over bored on the softmaxxes
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  • #8
Yeah just lock in and softmax to hell and back you would probably reach it naturally as you get older also I Over exaggerated don't go over bored on the softmaxxes
what are soft maxxes
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