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Introducing myself


Mar 24, 2025
United Kingdom
Hello folks, I’m 32 years old make around £60k annually. Recently found the term looksmaxing through a documentary. Just curious how can I maximise my looks and personality. Going through a breakup recently. height 6ft weight 72

Can you guys please rate my looks please it’ll be much appreciated


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Are you open to surgery?
Considering your age, you're fully developed so it would be extremely hard to change your face or "maximise" your looks.
If you are open to surgery, I would consider a rhinoplasty and a canthoplasty
also dont take what i'm saying as insults
Hey no, I didn’t take that as an offence. I’ve been told my multiple times to go under the knife and get my nose fixed. For me, I believed in idea of personalty and confidence rather than looks hence never got the rhinoplasty done. Tbh I’m not open to surgery but thank you so much for your kind words.
Hey no, I didn’t take that as an offence. I’ve been told my multiple times to go under the knife and get my nose fixed. For me, I believed in idea of personalty and confidence rather than looks hence never got the rhinoplasty done. Tbh I’m not open to surgery but thank you so much for your kind words.
You are welcome my friend.
But if you'd like another piece of advice I'll tell you right now you'll get zero gain to your personality from this site most people here are negative and just plain losers
You are welcome my friend.
But if you'd like another piece of advice I'll tell you right now you'll get zero gain to your personality from this site most people here are negative and just plain losers
hahaha, tbh I don’t need any advice on personality. I believe I’ve got a great personality, sorry if I sound arrogant here. I just wanted to know if I’m attractive or not solely based on my looks. As if someone looked at me, would they find me attractive or not? can give me a rating based on my looks, I would love if you could be honest here.
hahaha, tbh I don’t need any advice on personality. I believe I’ve got a great personality, sorry if I sound arrogant here. I just wanted to know if I’m attractive or not solely based on my looks. As if someone looked at me, would they find me attractive or not? can give me a rating based on my looks, I would love if you could be honest here.
Based on your age you do look good. Your skin is good and you do seem to be very fit and have a healthy lifestyle. women your age would most definitely find you attractive. I do also believe you are attractive enough and a good enough person to date younger, if you find youth and beauty to go hand in hand as most people do, consciously or unconsciously,
But i would rate you a 6.5 - 7 /10 based on looks, lifestyle and some assumptions.