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Sep 8, 2024
Los angeles
Name, Ali jazaid
Height, 6’0

Hey, im new to the community wanting to improve myself. In currently 42% body fat and wanting to know if there are any cues to wether I will have a prominent bone structure after weight loss.


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Name, Ali jazaid
Height, 6’0

Hey, im new to the community wanting to improve myself. In currently 42% body fat and wanting to know if there are any cues to wether I will have a prominent bone structure after weight loss
Lower your body fat first , then know if you got good bone mass {structure}
Welcome Fam
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  • #10
No sorry bro don't have that one vertically


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  • #15
What are the strong points Ik its hard to tell bcz of the body fat but could you tell me?
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  • #20
Ohhh, do you think by the pictures I have the potential for a prominent bone structure after fat loss and is there any tips you can give?
Hey, im new to the community wanting to improve myself. In currently 42% body fat and wanting to know if there are any cues to wether I will have a prominent bone structure after weight loss.
idk from these pics you look like you have a flat maxilla, but you have decent chin projection. your lack of hyoid fat at this bf% is actually impressive, i feel like you'll have a sharp mandible and gonions when you debloat.
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  • #22
idk from these pics you look like you have a flat maxilla, but you have decent chin projection. your lack of hyoid fat at this bf% is actually impressive, i feel like you'll have a sharp mandible and gonions when you debloat.
I don't think my maxilla is the best but its definitely not flat, you can from the inside corner of eye right down to the nostril there is a slight slope but thanks for the advice bro suprissed I have chin projection at 40% body fat lol
idk from these pics you look like you have a flat maxilla, but you have decent chin projection. your lack of hyoid fat at this bf% is actually impressive, i feel like you'll have a sharp mandible and gonions when you debloat.
he doesnt have a flat maxilla more like shit under eye support
Slightly brutal
everytime i see someone with this skull shape they look good tbh. just lose fat no need to worry about your potential at 40% body fat

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