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Serious IQ is cope


Active member
Sep 3, 2024
IQ is the biggesr cope ever. If you look at great philosophers, mathematicians or chess players they are all ugly. Of course there are exceptions but most of them are.
They are coping with being smarter than chad which doesnt bring them anything. Chad fucks a new girl everday, eats what he wants and goes out everyday partying, while the „IQ-Mogger“ sits in his room for days and tries to solve problems.
In the end chad enjoyed his life and can even enjoy the things the smart guy worked for.
Thomas Edison worked his whole life to create the first useable light bulb and chad just buys it from the supermarket together with a pack of extra large condoms.
In the end you can cope by saying that you contributed to mankind but your life was still miserable.
IQ only matters if its below 90 (then usually ur stupid) or above 150 (usually highly intelligent). (yes around that range, so there could be a difference between 91 and 149) otherwise the differences are very minimal and not very applicable to every day life

people who cope with iq are self centered and weak

and people get different fullfillments from life. my life would not be fullfilled if i partied and sexed girls everday. this is your perception of happiness. thomas edison could've felt fulfilled for contributing to society, or maybe he didnt. so you defo have some bias in saying this. not every way of life or happiness is "correct" and applicable to everyone. not everyone thinks the same way as you or sees what is right vs wrong
there can be more to life that quick dopamine and looking good. these men are passionate

imo, massive cope thread
IQ is a way to mesure your intelligence ( mind , mercury )
Achieving true gnosis and enlightenment comes mostly through the energy of the soul ( consciousness, sulphur )

Having a higher IQ might help but not that much
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IQ is a way to mesure your intelligence ( mind , mercury )
Achieving true gnosis and enlightenment comes mostly through the energy of the soul ( consciousness, sulphur )

Having a higher IQ might help but not that much
With higher IQ I meant being intelligent. I wish I had a high IQ so I could cope with trying to become a chess grandmaster but unfortunately I not only am short, ugly and have a small dick, but also stupid. Its so over
IQ only matters if its below 90 (then usually ur stupid) or above 150 (usually highly intelligent). (yes around that range, so there could be a difference between 91 and 149) otherwise the differences are very minimal and not very applicable to every day life

people who cope with iq are self centered and weak

and people get different fullfillments from life. my life would not be fullfilled if i partied and sexed girls everday. this is your perception of happiness. thomas edison could've felt fulfilled for contributing to society, or maybe he didnt. so you defo have some bias in saying this. not every way of life or happiness is "correct" and applicable to everyone. not everyone thinks the same way as you or sees what is right vs wrong
there can be more to life that quick dopamine and looking good. these men are passionate

imo, massive cope thread
I've got an IQ of eighty ten.
psl and high iq= savaant prodigy
subhuman and high iq= ignored autist
"Individuals with savant syndrome typically have intelligence quotients of around 70, below the typical range of 85-115, with genius-level knowledge in their savant abilities. Savant abilities can appear and disappear suddenly and may be categorized into splinter skills, talented savants, and prodigious savants."
"Individuals with savant syndrome typically have intelligence quotients of around 70, below the typical range of 85-115, with genius-level knowledge in their savant abilities. Savant abilities can appear and disappear suddenly and may be categorized into splinter skills, talented savants, and prodigious savants."

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