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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Is 18 too late to get my tongue tie and lip ties? Is my palete extremely narrow?

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  • #3
visit an orthodontist for ur palate, though 18 is late so ull need to go under surgery for a palate expander (if you have a narrow palate)
So getting rid of ties won't help with being able to mew? Honestly I find ig weird that despite not being able to mew, I don't feel like I breath through my mouth😭
I also have a straight nose and obviously not recessed chin
So getting rid of ties won't help with being able to mew? Honestly I find ig weird that despite not being able to mew, I don't feel like I breath through my mouth😭
I also have a straight nose and obviously not recessed chin
mewing wont help much at 18 tho, your just trying to correct growth. Its best for people still undergoing puberty because at that time meing helps them guide it
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  • #5
mewing wont help much at 18 tho, your just trying to correct growth. Its best for people still undergoing puberty because at that time meing helps them guide it
I don't want to change my whole facial structure. I just want definion which mewing gives you ibthink
I don't want to change my whole facial structure. I just want definion which mewing gives you ibthink
In your case itll just help you raise your hyoid bone,itll just make your jaw look more sharper specially around the end of your ramus. Mayve try some high speed jaw excersises to help raise the bone more
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  • #7
In your case itll just help you raise your hyoid bone,itll just make your jaw look more sharper specially around the end of your ramus. Mayve try some high speed jaw excersises to help raise the bone more
Yes this is what I want. When people see a defined jaw, they usually ignore thr rest of flaws
Yes this is what I want. When people see a defined jaw, they usually ignore thr rest of flaws
High speed jaw-opening exercise: The exercise schedule consisted of 3 sets of 20 repetitions each of rapid and maximum jaw-opening movement with a 10-second interval between sets. The exercise was performed twice daily for 4 weeks.

Stretching: Tongue on the roof of your mouth, hardcore smiling, hold swallow and stretch your head upwards and you should feel thee tension in your neck.

This is taken from botb .org
This may or may not work cause you might also just have bad ramus definition like mine, so try and see if it helps, no guarantee
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  • #9
High speed jaw-opening exercise: The exercise schedule consisted of 3 sets of 20 repetitions each of rapid and maximum jaw-opening movement with a 10-second interval between sets. The exercise was performed twice daily for 4 weeks.

Stretching: Tongue on the roof of your mouth, hardcore smiling, hold swallow and stretch your head upwards and you should feel thee tension in your neck.

This is taken from botb .org
This may or may not work cause you might also just have bad ramus definition like mine, so try and see if it helps, no guarantee
I am very bloated as well due high sugar consumption so thanksss

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