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Is 6’4 MTN equivalent to 5’9 HTN?

I'm in the USA,
To be honest in my experience the taller guy pulls more girls but 5’9 isn’t short so tbh in this case 5’9 htn id say.

A better question is like 5’7 or 5’6 htn vs a tall mtn

64 mtn mogs

Stop coping wtf jfl
these arguments are pointless maybe ur right maybe im right im still picking 5’9 htn all day tho
im 6'2 and mtn and im literally invisible LMAO buddy thinks being tall is some superpower, if i was a model tier chadlite i wouldnt be on here buddy
Yeah, that's what they all say. Did I believe? No. Suddenly every gl manlet glazer is 6'2+
Yeah, that's what they all say. Did I believe? No. Suddenly every gl manlet glazer is 6'2+
mirin ur coping skills, a chadlite is 1 in thousands of people while a 6'4 guy is 1/50. they clearly arent on the same level
Rarity doesnt mean shit

For example, amber eyes are rarer than blue, but blue looks better and is more attractive
It does mean shit dumbass, how rare an attractive trait is can affect your smv and face is always above height so idk why ur still coping
Attraction is complex, also revolves around the geography like even eu and Na have a pretty big dating market. Race plays a role, frame too. NT does a bit too. Height can halo a lot in certain parts of america. Along with the biochemistry of girls too and who they select.
