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Is aromasin a steroid?


Baba Yaga
Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
Thinking about doing aromasin without messing up my health
it’s a steroidal aromatase inhibitor

it won’t suppress testosterone if that’s what you are worried about

to be safe while using it, do an honest assessment of your current estrogen levels, taking into account your body fat% and actual levels (do a blood test). Then, determine your dosage. Most people should start with 6.25 mg, and if that isn’t enough you can raise the dose as needed. Also, keep in mind your liver health. You can take NAC and/or tudca to help keep it healthy if you want.

Finally, if you are running aromasin for heightmaxxing, you should obviously also use HGH or at least a secretagogue/peptide.
I forgot to say this but you should probably do some more research before you put anything in your body that you don’t understand.

I can help you learn more about heightmaxxing and where to get aromasin and HGH and pretty much anything else
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I forgot to say this but you should probably do some more research before you put anything in your body that you don’t understand.

I can help you learn more about heightmaxxing and where to get aromasin and HGH and pretty much anything else
Yeah I'll pm you looking to get on aromasin and maybe hgh and anything else that will ascend me
But it's steroidal so it's not fully a steroid right?
It's banned of WADA and it is still used as a common PED.

You won't be natural and you won't be able to compete in tested sporting events.

It would make you unnatural. Unnatural related to the use of PED's, not steroids.
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It's banned of WADA and it is still used as a common PED.

You won't be natural and you won't be able to compete in tested sporting events.

It would make you unnatural. Unnatural related to the use of PED's, not steroids.
Dang man
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My muscle insertions are pretty good for my frame and waist
we’re on a looksmaxxing forum bro nobody here has good genetics
I do. But sadly, my mom was leading a low iq whore lifestyle, when I was in her womb + due to my parents being upper class from lower class backgrounds, instead of feeding me healthy stuff, they gave me whatever made my low iq 5 year old self happy. And that wasn't meat, fish and milk, let me assure you. So now in my skull I have like half the bones my dad has. His jaw is at least x2 mine. Also I have bite problems

My lil bro is a young Dicaprio, whereas I am cursed
well many things are steroids does not mean they are bad
steroids include hormones, vitamins, and alkaloids. this means that estrogen, testosterone, cholestrol, cortisol, are all steroids
now, synthetic steroids can be more risky. commonly people use anabolic synthetic steroids for bodybuilding, it replicates the effects of testosterone
aromasin is NOT a steroid. it contains a steroid-like compound exemestane. it is called steroid-like because it has a similar structure, but its purpose is different. aromasin is an aromatizing enzyme inhibitor, meaning it inhibits the enzyme that converts t into e. it is not a hormone itself, so it is not a steroid. it interferes with estrogen.

so no, aromasin is not a steroid
well many things are steroids does not mean they are bad
steroids include hormones, vitamins, and alkaloids. this means that estrogen, testosterone, cholestrol, cortisol, are all steroids
now, synthetic steroids can be more risky. commonly people use anabolic synthetic steroids for bodybuilding, it replicates the effects of testosterone
aromasin is NOT a steroid. it contains a steroid-like compound exemestane. it is called steroid-like because it has a similar structure, but its purpose is different. aromasin is an aromatizing enzyme inhibitor, meaning it inhibits the enzyme that converts t into e. it is not a hormone itself, so it is not a steroid. it interferes with estrogen.

so no, aromasin is not a steroid

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