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is having a babyface good in a woman?

Could slow down aging
neoteny is considered an attractive trait in women for the most part, but i have about the same preportions as my 6 year old cousin 😭
Yes, it is attractive but is a "light tried" thing and light tried can make people not respect you.
Its the ideal trait in a women in my opinion and I never desired a women who looks masculine and I do consider Megan fox just for example "masculine ' I have dated women who look similar and I don't enjoy it. Women should look like angels and men should look like superman. That's my autistic theroy.

Its the ideal trait in a women in my opinion and I never desired a women who looks masculine and I do consider Megan fox just for example "masculine ' I have dated women who look similar and I don't enjoy it. Women should look like angels and men should look like superman. That's my autistic theroy.

View attachment 38858
High iq, not autistic theory.
Its the ideal trait in a women in my opinion and I never desired a women who looks masculine and I do consider Megan fox just for example "masculine ' I have dated women who look similar and I don't enjoy it. Women should look like angels and men should look like superman. That's my autistic theroy.

View attachment 38858
It’s interesting that you see Megan Fox as 'masculine' She's often seen as the epitome of feminine beauty, just with a more intense, striking look that might feel intimidating to some. It sounds like you’re mistaking intimidation for masculinity, which are two very different things. f you've actually dated women who look like her, it’s pretty clear they weren’t your type, so it’s funny to even bring that up second time now like it's some kind of flex lol
It’s interesting that you see Megan Fox as 'masculine' She's often seen as the epitome of feminine beauty, just with a more intense, striking look that might feel intimidating to some. It sounds like you’re mistaking intimidation for masculinity, which are two very different things. f you've actually dated women who look like her, it’s pretty clear they weren’t your type, so it’s funny to even bring that up second time now like it's some kind of flex lol
Yeah it's just not my type. I call it the hunter look but on a women. Its like....the reverse of energy so to speak. I don't brag tbh I just say it like it is. Honest and forthcoming about my advice and experiences. Always been this way for me.

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