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Discussion is he interested or just being nice?


david laid worshipper
Jul 24, 2024
so for context, i’ve seen the guy in the gym many times. he is pretty attractive and built, i only am texting him because my friend is friends with him so i thought i had a minor chance with him. he is a very busy guy that is work and school focused. these texts are after we went to the gym together yesterday at 2pm, do you guys think he’s just being nice or that he might be somewhat interested? i really like this guy. i called him cute and he brushed it off. he also takes a long while to respond.😭😭


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I have no idea, he’s being kinda mean in a kind of flirty way. Idno, ur good looking so I assume he does like you
if ur pretty then he wants you
if you're ugly then he's just being nice
without knowing what you look like i'd say he's flirting tho
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  • #11
he's lowkey cooking if thats his method, i need it 🙏 to pull baddies like you
either way youre a catch i think he wants you
also he is high iq for going to the gym with you cuz girls like fresh sweat phermones
LOL he’s so nice and sweet, i’m so glad he’s actually talkative rather than acting all nonchalant like other guys. i really like his personality and way he texts me. 😊🙏
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  • #13
ok if he wants to go to the gym with you that’s already a big indication that he likes you, but after reading the dm’s he wants you fs
thank you! i can’t usually read when people are interested, all the input really helps😊👍
As a man myself, he tries to play it cool this is obvious

No sane man is focused on work and school enough when he is close to get laid with the girl he's attracted to.

Until he isn't at your place eating you out, infront of netflix and both of you didn't have a proper classic date like eating at the restaurant, it's hard to determine on a scale HOW MUCH he is interested. You'll know his interest if he asks you out soon

Is it the guy who ghosted you ?
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  • #17
As a man myself, he tries to play it cool this is obvious

No sane man is focused on work and school enough when he is close to get laid with the girl he's attracted to.

Until he isn't at your place eating you out, infront of netflix and both of you didn't have a proper classic date like eating at the restaurant, it's hard to determine on a scale HOW MUCH he is interested. You'll know his interest if he asks you out soon

Is it the guy who ghosted you ?
yes… he takes so many hours to respond but he would always apologize and be super honest about stuff. he actually asked what time i preferred to watch the deadpool movie yesterday when he finally responded so im really excited and happy rn!
so for context, i’ve seen the guy in the gym many times. he is pretty attractive and built, i only am texting him because my friend is friends with him so i thought i had a minor chance with him. he is a very busy guy that is work and school focused. these texts are after we went to the gym together yesterday at 2pm, do you guys think he’s just being nice or that he might be somewhat interested? i really like this guy. i called him cute and he brushed it off. he also takes a long while to respond.😭😭
i have a feeling he is a cunning guy and might be keeping you for back up

research about him and confirm this cuz i dont know that guy

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