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Is his an incel trait?

My mom got excited after I lifted an entire case of water up one floor

I told her to shut up and she would never say some stupid shit like that to my brother if he did the same thing

I’m 5’11 135 and 15
No way you your black talking to your mother like that😭
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  • #10
what do you mean? you've mentioned it like 20 times
How is it an incel trait tho? She said “the way you carried it upstairs, I’m so proud of you” and she genuinely was rejoiced.

All I said was you wouldn’t tell my (Tyrone) brother that
My mom got excited after I lifted an entire case of water up one floor

I told her to shut up and she would never say some stupid shit like that to my brother if he did the same thing

I’m 5’11 135 and 15
How is it an incel trait tho? She said “the way you carried it upstairs, I’m so proud of you” and she genuinely was rejoiced.

All I said was you wouldn’t tell my (Tyrone) brother that
ur 135 she must have been shocked by
or by the fact that u did something good for once
