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Is it a failo if girls say you look “sweet and innocent” as a black guy?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
And tell u “u look like u watch anime” as a 15 year old black guy
I bet it’s in your eyes or style. Likely both

I’ve been thinking about this lately, it seems to me like bones don’t matter as much for black guys and attractiveness is more determined by soft features and styling. For instance, a classic example of a black PSL god is Tyson Beckford. He has good bones. However, the classic example of an attractive black man is Michael B. Jordan. He doesn’t have good bones, but rather good eyelashes, hair, etc.

I’ve been thinking about this lately, it seems to me like bones don’t matter as much for black guys and attractiveness is more determined by soft features and styling. For instance, a classic example of a black PSL god is Tyson Beckford. He has good bones. However, the classic example of an attractive black man is Michael B. Jordan. He doesn’t have good bones, but rather good eyelashes, hair, etc.
Ye, I think that looxmaxxing is easier for black guys.

They are capped in terms of attractiveness due to not having pale skin and rarely having light eyes, but it’s much easier for a normie black than for a normie white to be attractive
tbh this prob isn’t a bad thing if she herself watches anime, i think it’s cool when guys watch anime bc i do. if she doesn’t then ur cooked☠️
By the way, there is nothing you can do to change it.

Even if you wear mature colors clothes and keep a professional atitude, your face just look like it.
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By the way, there is nothing you can do to change it.

Even if you wear mature colors clothes and keep a professional atitude, your face just look like it.
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