I can't ascend. No bones and mediocre eye area, basically the center stone of good looks. Nothing will change in how women view me. I guess I will just work out even though I have shit genetics. But even then I'll just be settling material, until she gets the ick because I climbed the stairs on all 4s one time and then dates a more masculine black dude.
Even in the rare chance women like you it just becomes so fragile because its prolly because of low self esteem, or because she thinks you're blacker than you actually are, or can't pull anyone else. Personality is cope, it just makes you get lead on for 7 dates and then left. Looks matching is cope because you both aren't even attracted to each other anyways.
Love is born out of necessity, men and women only tolerated each other for a purpose bigger than themselves and now that's gone and our fundamental incompatibilities are showing. Marriage just will not make people happy until we have an apocalypse.
Even in the rare chance women like you it just becomes so fragile because its prolly because of low self esteem, or because she thinks you're blacker than you actually are, or can't pull anyone else. Personality is cope, it just makes you get lead on for 7 dates and then left. Looks matching is cope because you both aren't even attracted to each other anyways.
Love is born out of necessity, men and women only tolerated each other for a purpose bigger than themselves and now that's gone and our fundamental incompatibilities are showing. Marriage just will not make people happy until we have an apocalypse.