No, it´s not, but your biggest problem is that you are overweight. Here are some tips to cut weight:
1. Calculate your Calorie Intake on this
Website and then eat only this amount of calories a day. I would suggest you to track your calories with apps like Yazio.
2. Start exercising 5 times a week, you can hit the gym, start callisthenics or pursue another sport.
3. Start moving more. Move more in your everyday life. Go for walks, meet with friends and do some sports it doesn´t matter. Be more active!
4. also eat healthy, cut out junk food etc. (go on YouTube to search for healthy diets)
5. And a special tip: start sprinting! It increases the Growth Hormone by three or fourfold. The Human Growth hormone is magical. It makes you taller, builds you muscle and burns fat.
When sprinting it doesn´t matter how fast you are, but simply how much effort you put into it. You need to really reach failure until your body feels tired and almost sick. That´s when you know youre doing it right.
My routine when sprinting is:
20-30 seconds sprinting all out
90-120 seconds rest
and then start it all over again. Do it about 5-10 times
You could be really good-looking if you lost some weight brother. Losing weight is really essential for confidence and attractiveness, just look at this example. It takes time to lose weight, so you need to stay consistent. Results won´t come overnight, but with patience you can improve a lot.