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Is it possible to fix my uneven eyes?


New member
Sep 14, 2024
1000000062.jpgive been insecure about my eyes my entire life they take away every bit of confidence I ever get are they fixable?1000000094.jpg
It's not noticeable, although your eyes have other issues. You need a more nutrient dense diet and more sleep
Well I've been fasting but I'll try to eat a nutrient dense diet when I'm done also so you have any solutions for my even more uneven eyebrows?
Maybe threading them or asking help from female friends/family or such
my advice would be to shave the ends of your brows off just a tiny bit to lessen the emphasis on your down turned eyes, and to ice the upper lid area to reduce puffiness. also gua sha in an upwards motion starting from outer chin to outer cheekbone
my advice would be to shave the ends of your brows off just a tiny bit to lessen the emphasis on your down turned eyes, and to ice the upper lid area to reduce puffiness. also gua sha in an upwards motion starting from outer chin to outer cheekbone


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    Screenshot 2024-09-15 1.06.12 AM.png
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What's gua sha and why should I do it? I have a good jawline I think. I'm just fat I weight 250lb
But is there a way to completely even out my eyebrows without surgery?
nobody notices assymetry
although you may have mild lazy eye - go to must reads there is a thread about it
be healthy
It's not noticeable, although your eyes have other issues. You need a more nutrient dense diet and more sleep
@AlphaMale600 I said this because I thought he had dark under eye circles, apparently they are just hollow/sunken
Your potential without hardmaxxxing is low. You will benefit yourself much more with appealing to masculine archetype of a proper buzzcut. See my thread about it.
it won't be possible without surgery but at the same time most people won't even notice the problem. if it was a recession of your jaw then yeah.
I don't see anything, ur js looking too deep into it