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Discussion Is it worth it to play the long game with fat loss?

Big, Moderate, or Small Caloric Deficits?

  • Moderate (1750 calories daily)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Let’s say for reference:
Small Caloric Deficit is 300
Moderate Caloric Deficit is 600
Big Caloric Deficit is 900

Which one is best? Obviously there’s no deadline, because I’m not a body builder. I’ve been in 2 months, and from what I see noticeable results aren’t visible until 4-6 months. I’ve been eating more calories recent and my caloric deficit is now at about 600, I eat about 1750 calories with my estimate 2350 maintenance. I used to eat super low, around 1300 for about 2 months straight and lost 20-25 pounds. What’s the move, stay at 1750, up it to 2000, or go back low to 1400?
If you look at what any bodybuilder does, they will most likely do a 12+ week cut where they have a caloric deficit of 300-400 calories. This is because it is a good amount to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass, having good sleep quality, and keeping your hormones in a healthy range. In addition, a small deficit will not cause your basal metabolic rate to change, meaning that it will not mess up future weight loss attempts.

Stay very consistent with tracking every calorie and maintain a workout routine, at the very least do some cardio. I am sure you've heard of the 12 incline, 4 speed treadmill setting where people lose a ton a weight just by walking at a steep incline. Do that. Also push ups, pull ups, sprinting, etc are all things you can do at home.

Do not discredit PED use either, DYOR but there are a plethora of drugs to use for your purposes

Good luck to you man hope you ascend
If you're tremendously overweight you should try to lose like 4 pounds a week, if you're literally just looking to lose 10 or 15 pounds to add the finishing touch to your physique playing the long game is better, a pound a week is a good amount, nothing is more demoralizing than trying to lose a lot of weight really fast and watching your strength decline every workout because of it.
If you're tremendously overweight you should try to lose like 4 pounds a week, if you're literally just looking to lose 10 or 15 pounds to add the finishing touch to your physique playing the long game is better, a pound a week is a good amount, nothing is more demoralizing than trying to lose a lot of weight really fast and watching your strength decline every workout because of it.
I agree with this, but @Dandelions you said you were 21% body fat, so I would personally go on more of a slight deficit and lose 1-2 lbs per week

By the end of 12 weeks you should be at least 15% bodyfat
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  • #6
I agree with this, but @Dandelions you said you were 21% body fat, so I would personally go on more of a slight deficit and lose 1-2 lbs per week

By the end of 12 weeks you should be at least 15% bodyfat
2 pounds a week isn’t a slight deficit, that’s a 1000 caloric deficit. I know what you mean though, and that’s what I’m hoping for. I’m aiming for a physique like you’re @quepasta
i mean youre 6'3. if you wanna keep growing then small caloric deficit. then to retain muscle, cut back 10-20% of your maintenance
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  • #8
i mean youre 6'3. if you wanna keep growing then small caloric deficit. then to retain muscle, cut back 10-20% of your maintenance
True, 6’6 is law.

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