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Discussion Is it worth spending everything on looxmaxxing?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
A lot of looxmaxxing techniques require money. Some less, like getting a good haircut or buying a dermaroller, some more, like a good diet or getting fillers. And some are cancerexpensive, like orthodontics and some plastic surgeries

And so I thought, does it really make sense to go allin in looksmaxxing? Prices depend, but would it make more sense to use the 5k you're going to spend on rhinoplasty differently? Invest it in some safe way(idk, funds or smth).

People here rarely discuss prices of the suggested stuff. It often goes like "Get a better haircut and a nose job done. Also, losing some weight along with bimax is gonna get you a better jaw" or smth like that, completely ignoring the money aspect

Just wanna hear other opinions. That's been the main topic of my thoughts for the past few weeks
deff, what else ur spending ur money on? this has been in ur thoughts for weeks so u dont have any idea on other stuff u should spend on
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deff, what else ur spending ur money on? this has been in ur thoughts for weeks so u dont have any idea on other stuff u should spend on
Having money feels safe tho. I currently have about 6k and can spend them on orthodontics, but then I’ll have nothing. And I cba working an immigrant job like a cashier or smth. Dad will give me shelter and food as long as I need, but there is no way he’ll pay for something like lip fillers, good trendy clothes, HGH or me taking a girl to a movie
no first u should softmaxx fully then spend large sums of money on surgery if inevitable and u won't be able to lead a normal life without getting them
Softmaxxing is the main focus/recommendation, usually when people recommend surgeries it’s a last resort
1. you COMPLETELY softmax and go through puberty
2. if you still have issues, continue saving up for the surgery until you have enough to support yourself and get the surgery. since you have a dad who will care for you, you can spend your own money on the stuff you want

also you dont need to buy trendy clothes, you can stick to good quality and simple
Only hardmaxxes really take up that much money imo

Unless you spend alot on skincare products, that's the only expensive softmax I can think off really.
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  • #8
Only hardmaxxes really take up that much money imo

Unless you spend alot on skincare products, that's the only expensive softmax I can think off really.
Hairloss treatment, skincare, supplements, maybe gym membership, seeing a good hairdresser - all these combined may take a lot of money

Also, idk if braces are softmaxx or hardmaxx, but they are hella expensive
Hairloss treatment, skincare, supplements, maybe gym membership, seeing a good hairdresser - all these combined may take a lot of money

Also, idk if braces are softmaxx or hardmaxx, but they are hella expensive
dont get gym membership do workouts at home or cardio outside, it is basically free
focus on braces/whatever your orthodontist said, cut your hair at home
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  • #10
dont get gym membership do workouts at home or cardio outside, it is basically free
focus on braces/whatever your orthodontist said, cut your hair at home
Personally I workout at home, but not everyone can do it. If you live in a small apartment for example. And cardio is not gonna get you a sexy physique. And heavy cardio will fucking kill you

And ngl, with that hair advice you keep giving to people - I can bet someone had a mental breakdown and cried after cutting their hair due to your words and realising what they had done
Personally I workout at home, but not everyone can do it. If you live in a small apartment for example. And cardio is not gonna get you a sexy physique. And heavy cardio will f*****g kill you
i live in a small apartment and i do bodyweight and have dumbells
And ngl, with that hair advice you keep giving to people - I can bet someone had a mental breakdown and cried after cutting their hair due to your words and realising what they had done
if they cry over a haircut then theyre fucking pussies 🤣 buzzcut is not even that bad in the first place
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i live in a small apartment and i do bodyweight and have dumbells

if they cry over a haircut then theyre f*****g pussies 🤣 buzzcut is not even that bad in the first place
Very limited amount of exercises. Can’t really do pull ups for example. And without them it’s hard to train lats, which is like second most important muscle after shoulders

Ngl, if I lost 2 smv points I’d fucking cry. When I got my current terrible cut I wanted to kill the hairdresser. Hair can be a huge smv boost or deboost, idk why are you treating it like nails or leg muscles
Very limited amount of exercises. Can’t really do pull ups for example. And without them it’s hard to train lats, which is like second most important muscle after shoulders
you can buy an at home detachable pull up bar, it costs like 15$
Ngl, if I lost 2 smv points I’d f*****g cry. When I got my current terrible cut I wanted to kill the hairdresser. Hair can be a huge smv boost or deboost, idk why are you treating it like nails or leg muscles
hair regrows, ive gotten shit cuts all the time im not gonna whimper and bawl like a baby
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  • #14
you can buy an at home detachable pull up bar, it costs like 15$

hair regrows, ive gotten shit cuts all the time im not gonna whimper and bawl like a baby
Depends on the walls. Pretty sure that thing can’t be installed everywhere, although yea, that’s a nice solution most of the time

Maybe true tho. Depends on the timing. If you have an important job interview(an actually important one) and your hairdresser gives you a buzzcut - IMO you have the moral right to kill him

Personally, I was really pissed cuz I knew what I wanted and had Uni starting soon and he still fckd my hair up. And now I don’t have enough time to fully regrow. But yea, you’re mostly right. Most of time it doesn’t really matter
Depends on the walls. Pretty sure that thing can’t be installed everywhere, although yea, that’s a nice solution most of the time
you can attach and deattach it to your door frame
Maybe true tho. Depends on the timing. If you have an important job interview(an actually important one) and your hairdresser gives you a buzzcut - IMO you have the moral right to kill him

Personally, I was really pissed cuz I knew what I wanted and had Uni starting soon and he still fckd my hair up. And now I don’t have enough time to fully regrow. But yea, you’re mostly right. Most of time it doesn’t really matter
yes 🤝
Hairloss treatment, skincare, supplements, maybe gym membership, seeing a good hairdresser - all these combined may take a lot of money

Also, idk if braces are softmaxx or hardmaxx, but they are hella expensive
You can gym at home just fine if you have the willpower but yeah, it can pile up if you need alot.

My skincare routine is less than 10USD a month approx.

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