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Discussion Is my cereal tier list accurate?

raisin bran is b tier sour patch is c tier
ill do this shit too and fill it out lmk what you think
This is blasphemy cinnamon toast crunch should be a tier at best and chexs at d tier...I have no words
i realistically wouldve put chex at c i just forgot
I actually think this Tier list is better than mine but it needs chex at A tier and cinnamon toast at A Tier or B t
cinnamon toast is s tier tbh, as long as you eat it quick, then it droops to a tier/b tier
Oh wait I didn't see mini wheats in S Tier

Agreed I feel like it looses it charm after you eat it alot
only the frosted ones though the regular ones suck balls
I am not a UScel so ive never had any of these other than cheerios here.

This is the best I've ever eaten.


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