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Is my mom being a huge conspiracy theorist a tell tale sign of low iq/non nt/autism/psychotic illness?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
Like if she thinks vaccines cause autism, talks about the elites, population control, junk food is bad, makes a big deal out of small things like if my tooth brush isn’t covered and says it’ll covered with germs and cockroaches might crawl over it
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She’s not even esoteric she just repeats every conspiracy theory/“fact” she hears on facebook

Not a single original theory she’s came up with
And you think she might be low iq beacuse she knows what the big nose people are doing ?
She’s not even esoteric she just repeats every conspiracy theory/“fact” she hears on facebook

Not a single original theory she’s came up with
My mom believes everything the religious people on YouTube says and she is making me hate religious people .She does stupid shit like chanting prayers on drinking water and stuff. I can’t deal with her nonesense. She believes in evil eye and black magic shit too. She is so dumb but I can’t tell her that .
vaccines cause brain damage not necessarily autism
all carbs are bad and unhealthy and all heated foods and plant originated foods are unhealthy
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vaccines cause brain damage not necessarily autism
all carbs are bad and unhealthy and all heated foods and plant originated foods are unhealthy
My mom believes everything the religious people on YouTube says and she is making me hate religious people .She does stupid shit like chanting prayers on drinking water and stuff. I can’t deal with her nonesense. She believes in evil eye and black magic shit too. She is so dumb but I can’t tell her that .
The shit she sends me is even worse


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She’s right bro

All of those unnatural foods can cause those issues and are harmful for you. Not that you should stop eating them if you don’t want to, but they really aren’t good
Ok but she sends me shit like this every day ever since I got a phone number
But it is a normal thing for a human to do?
No it’s not normal tbh, being addicted to conspiracies is not a good thing imo could lead to schizophrenia and paranoia and eventual death by suicide.
My grandma who died was a schizo and she used to believe in black magic and a religion and used to tell others how she saw prophets and angels and stuff.
Yes, its normal for humans to question the systems they live in.
These conspiracy theories don’t have much proofs if it did it will not be a conspiracy rather a fact.
To me anyone who spews such things 24/7 don’t seem normal .
I have 3 real diagnosed schizophrenics in my family history and all of them were religious retards who believed in meh god and angels and stuff and spewd religious stuff 24/7 .
Questioning things is normal but being a super addictive conspiracy theorist doesn’t.
These conspiracy theories don’t have much proofs if it did it will not be a conspiracy rather a fact.
To me anyone who spews such things 24/7 don’t seem normal .
I have 3 real diagnosed schizophrenics in my family history and all of them were religious retards who believed in meh god and angels and stuff and spewd religious stuff 24/7 .
Questioning things is normal but being a super addictive conspiracy theorist doesn’t.
Sure, but the people in your family also had poor health that caused mental issues.
According to the a theory made by a economist, "the rules of stupidity", any one is prone to act stupid, including smart people.
But she lived 85+ years so I don’t think she had poor diet.
That doesn't necessarily mean that she was in good health.
She was rich so I am sure she had access to good food.
Just because you are rich doesn't mean you eat natural foods. The rich are usually more brainwashed when it comes to food nowadays. You have billionaires eating bread
That doesn't necessarily mean that she was in good health.

Just because you are rich doesn't mean you eat natural foods. The rich are usually more brainwashed when it comes to food nowadays. You have billionaires eating bread
I am not rich becuz the schizoid sold all her wealth to some cousin who knew she was a r****d or else I would have had all those genetic wealth . Fuck my life.
It does mean she was in great health , I have heard she used to work in the gardens even in her late age.
I am not rich becuz the schizoid sold all her wealth to some cousin who knew she was a r****d or else I would have had all those genetic wealth . Fuck my life.
I didn’t say you were, that’s unfortunate though
It does mean she was in great health , I have heard she used to work in the gardens even in her late age.
Is being able to work gardens really an indicator of health?
That doesn't necessarily mean that she was in good health.

Just because you are rich doesn't mean you eat natural foods. The rich are usually more brainwashed when it comes to food nowadays. You have billionaires eating bread
Eating bread is not necessarily a bad thing , show me any proof it is.
I have eaten bread my whole life and I am still doing good.
Eating bread is not necessarily a bad thing , show me any proof it is.
I have eaten bread my whole life and I am still doing good.
Bread is made of processed plants, which contain natural defense mechanisms. Because of how unnatural bread is, it causes digestive issues inflammation and overall health problems because your body can’t process it at all.
Bread also has a high glycemic index which means it ages you faster. This also lowers fertility, an indicator of health.
There’s also zero benefits to consume it unless you are an athlete(which is an unhealthy), so you have carbs to waste away.
Essentially it’s vegetable seed sludge that just causes problems for your body
I didn’t say you were, that’s unfortunate though

Is being able to work gardens really an indicator of health?
Yes , you need to shovel the soil, break the coconut from its seed which is hard to do .
And extracting the coconut oil is a hard thing to do.
It definitely requires physical strength to do such labour in her gardens.
Yes , you need to shovel the soil, break the coconut from its seed which is hard to do .
And extracting the coconut oil is a hard thing to do.
It definitely requires physical strength to do such labour in her gardens.
Doesn’t correlate to health imo but that is impressive
Bread is made of processed plants, which contain natural defense mechanisms. Because of how unnatural bread is, it causes digestive issues inflammation and overall health problems because your body can’t process it at all.
Bread also has a high glycemic index which means it ages you faster. This also lowers fertility, an indicator of health.
There’s also zero benefits to consume it unless you are an athlete(which is an unhealthy), so you have carbs to waste away.
Essentially it’s vegetable seed sludge that just causes problems for your body

I think you have interesting points which I can’t debate since my country has high diabetes rate from consuming too much carb rich diet.
I think you have interesting points which I can’t debate since my country has diabetes rate from consuming too much carb rich diet.
Indian diet is brutal, hope it improves.

Probably won’t though 80% of the country is vegetarian and meat is 10x more expensive than soy protein
Indian diet is brutal, hope it improves.

Probably won’t though 80% of the country is vegetarian and meat is 10x more expensive than soy protein
Nothing is gonna improve, it will be the same cuz meh Hinduism and reltarded curry nationalist who takes pride in stupid curry culture.
Bread is made of processed plants, which contain natural defense mechanisms. Because of how unnatural bread is, it causes digestive issues inflammation and overall health problems because your body can’t process it at all.
Bread also has a high glycemic index which means it ages you faster. This also lowers fertility, an indicator of health.
There’s also zero benefits to consume it unless you are an athlete(which is an unhealthy), so you have carbs to waste away.
Essentially it’s vegetable seed sludge that just causes problems for your body
But wasn’t bread the staple food of Europeans in the 1800s.
They still mogs the rest of the world to this day.
I don’t think bread is that evil , if it was then those people wouldn’t have survived the next day .
But wasn’t bread the staple food of Europeans in the 1800s.
They still mogs the rest of the world to this day.
it has brutally looksminned them, europeans are looking uglier and uglier every generation. Only the high meat consumption is salvation
I don’t think bread is that evil , if it was then those people wouldn’t have survived the next day .
Sure it helps you prevent starving maybe, but humans are obligated to go for the best food sources available, we just dont

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