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Is there any surgery for an nt brain?

Doesn't work like that. But if there ever was a surgery for that sort of thing you'd be one of the users here that needs it most.

Just try to be quiet and observe people more often while not focusing so much on yourself. If you aren't getting pleasure out of observing people then you aren't doing it right. People's interactions can be very interesting when you just spectate, without any emotional involvement.

Now this might sound a little bit gay but read old books. Romance novels from the 19th century. People from the past had a very good grasp on subtleties that go over most people's heads nowdays, and they'd NT mog us all to the moon and back.
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  • #4
Doesn't work like that. But if there ever was a surgery for that sort of thing you'd be one of the users here that needs it most.

first of all why would you say that

Now this might sound a little bit gay but read old books

Second of all “this might sound a bit gay (something that isn’t gay)” proves you’re non nt yourself
Explain why u think that

Give me 3 examples, also I don’t actually think there was surgery for an nt brain
You think learning how to fight is a disadvantage is all I can remember. Though I can't remember what it was you said something else completely that was extremely retarded.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
You think learning how to fight is a disadvantage is all I can remember. Though I can't remember what it was you said something else completely that was extremely retarded.
That’s not what I said r****d

I said street fighting is non nt
That’s not what I said r****d

I said street fighting is non nt
What other kind of fighting is there? When it comes down to it that's the only real purpose to learn how to fight. And girls love it when a man fights. They might say they don't but they actually do.
