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Is there anything I can do as a 5'5 indian?

I know short Indian dudes who have girlfriends :3 it’s not over bro
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  • #3
I know short Indian dudes who have girlfriends :3 it’s not over bro
What can I do to improve myself? I’m already going to the gym, mewing, and making money
Don’t let 5’5” make up your identity, you’re just you first and foremost, you just gotta accept it and live as if it can’t stop you from being a high quality man. Mukesh Ambani is like 5’6”, richest man in India
If you feel short, it’s probably because you’re living around typically taller people, so what
You need to learn to be comfortable in your identity, you don’t need metal rods drilled into your legs to stretch you out.
Keep up gym and healthily diet, eat a lot of protein
Get a wardrobe that suits you, your body type and your lifestyle. See what other men like you wear, you can look up attractive average sized Indian men it’s not that gay I promise
You’re a 5’5” king, making money and caring about your body. That insecurity is the last thing that’s gonna make you (imo) cross that barrier that made you a loser
Or wear taller boots/inserts like heels they make your ass look better if it makes you feel better
You like actually just like need to learn to not have it take up your mental space. Acceptance is the first step to confidence.
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  • #5
Thanks man I will try, it’s just hard when even girls tower over you
