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Discussion Is this site as bluepilled as .org says it is?


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
Sometimes I don't understand why .org says this site is bluepilled. Does this site have any actual fundamental core beliefs that differentiate from .org? My understanding of the black pill is best explained by this definition from urban dictionary.

"The Blackpill ideology claims that physical attractiveness is the primary determining factor in dating and relationship success. Unlike the Bluebill and Redpill ideologies, Blackpill maintains that the effects that physical appearance has on one’s performance and results in the dating world cannot be remedied by improving personality, clothing, hairstyle or hygiene. Any non-physical characteristics, such as personality, will simply be shadowed by one’s physical appearance which include facial proportionality, height, body fat percentage and frame. The theory also holds that women generally want to ‘date up’ (hypergamy) and tend to look for men who are higher than them in status and attractiveness which leaves average men with even less options.

Common misconception of the Blackpill are that it's a nihilistic viewpoint that is solely expounded by Incels. In reality, Blackpill is entirely descriptive and makes no prescriptions as to what someone ought to feel about this realization. That is up to the individual. Secondly, one need not necessarily be an Incel to be blackpilled."

I feel the majority of the users on this forum do indeed believe in the blackpill (unless this definition is a misinterpreted understanding of the blackpill). The only true major difference between this forum and .org is that people aren't complete assholes and racists. I don't understand where race falls into the blackpill ideology, I don't understand why it's such a spoken about topic in the blackpill community, every tenth thread on .org is a race thread.

Org users constantly belittle and bully eachother, I'm sure a few people have been pushed to suicide because of the horrible treatment exhibited from the users of that forum. They claim to be more honest than this forum but the truth is that they severely underrate everyone, this forum is 100x more objective and honest.

What's your opinions and do correct me if I'm wrong about the definition of the blackpill
Sometimes I don't understand why .org says this site is bluepilled. Does this site have any actual fundamental core beliefs that differentiate from .org? My understanding of the black pill is best explained by this definition from urban dictionary.

I feel the majority of the users on this forum do indeed believe in the blackpill (unless this definition is a misinterpreted understanding of the blackpill). The only true major difference between this forum and .org is that people aren't complete assholes and racists. I don't understand where race falls into the blackpill ideology, I don't understand why it's such a spoken about topic in the blackpill community, every tenth thread on .org is a race thread.

Org users constantly belittle and bully eachother, I'm sure a few people have been pushed to suicide because of the horrible treatment exhibited from the users of that forum. They claim to be more honest than this forum but the truth is that they severely underrate everyone, this forum is 100x more objective and honest.

What's your opinions and do correct me if I'm wrong about the definition of the blackpill
Maybe it's because girls are allowed on this forum and they don't believe there's any benefit to allowing girls in the community.
Sometimes I don't understand why .org says this site is bluepilled. Does this site have any actual fundamental core beliefs that differentiate from .org? My understanding of the black pill is best explained by this definition from urban dictionary.

I feel the majority of the users on this forum do indeed believe in the blackpill (unless this definition is a misinterpreted understanding of the blackpill). The only true major difference between this forum and .org is that people aren't complete assholes and racists. I don't understand where race falls into the blackpill ideology, I don't understand why it's such a spoken about topic in the blackpill community, every tenth thread on .org is a race thread.

Org users constantly belittle and bully eachother, I'm sure a few people have been pushed to suicide because of the horrible treatment exhibited from the users of that forum. They claim to be more honest than this forum but the truth is that they severely underrate everyone, this forum is 100x more objective and honest.

What's your opinions and do correct me if I'm wrong about the definition of the blackpill
We are blackpilled, but unlike .org we don't do the following as often:
-Racebait (using .org as an ethnic, or even as a white you have to jestermax or sfcel max)
-Shitpost (there are like 5 active looksmaxxers on .org)
-We allow women, which seems conductive to looksmaxxing

Not to mention the average looks level here is much higher than .org for a reason
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Maybe it's because girls are allowed on this forum and they don't believe there's any benefit to allowing girls in the community.
I don't understand why they believe it's not beneficial. They are letting their hate get in the way of progress
Maybe it's because girls are allowed on this forum and they don't believe there's any benefit to allowing girls in the community.
That's not the reason. was a splinter off
In other words, looksmax shares moderators and user base from .is as well as many users. It is inherently part of the incelosphere.

Surveys found that more than half of the userbase initially on the site were virgins, around 60 percent. Stark contrast from lookism ( which allowed women) at about 30 percent.

Lookism allowed women but not looksmax because it is still an incel community. Naturally, there is a lot of hate towards then too.
Sometimes I don't understand why .org says this site is bluepilled. Does this site have any actual fundamental core beliefs that differentiate from .org? My understanding of the black pill is best explained by this definition from urban dictionary.

I feel the majority of the users on this forum do indeed believe in the blackpill (unless this definition is a misinterpreted understanding of the blackpill). The only true major difference between this forum and .org is that people aren't complete assholes and racists. I don't understand where race falls into the blackpill ideology, I don't understand why it's such a spoken about topic in the blackpill community, every tenth thread on .org is a race thread.

Org users constantly belittle and bully eachother, I'm sure a few people have been pushed to suicide because of the horrible treatment exhibited from the users of that forum. They claim to be more honest than this forum but the truth is that they severely underrate everyone, this forum is 100x more objective and honest.

What's your opinions and do correct me if I'm wrong about the definition of the blackpill
Many users here are also on .org, and I'm actually a mod over there. Both forums have good info, but .org leans heavily toward looksmaxing with a strong blackpill influence, while also serving as a platform for people to post about their everyday lives. I'd say .org is a mix of looksmaxing, blackpill ideas, and free speech, while this forum focuses more purely on looksmaxing with less blackpill influence. However, the overall vibe really depends on the types of users each platform attracts.
Sometimes I don't understand why .org says this site is bluepilled. Does this site have any actual fundamental core beliefs that differentiate from .org? My understanding of the black pill is best explained by this definition from urban dictionary.

I feel the majority of the users on this forum do indeed believe in the blackpill (unless this definition is a misinterpreted understanding of the blackpill). The only true major difference between this forum and .org is that people aren't complete assholes and racists. I don't understand where race falls into the blackpill ideology, I don't understand why it's such a spoken about topic in the blackpill community, every tenth thread on .org is a race thread.

Org users constantly belittle and bully eachother, I'm sure a few people have been pushed to suicide because of the horrible treatment exhibited from the users of that forum. They claim to be more honest than this forum but the truth is that they severely underrate everyone, this forum is 100x more objective and honest.

What's your opinions and do correct me if I'm wrong about the definition of the blackpill
They didn't explain the black pill correctly at all.

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