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JFL It’s over for nowiff


I shall ascend.
Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
Appreciate the effort, but you’re going to stay banned for the time being. It’s not permanent, we just have to teach people like you who think it’s ok to troll about breaking rules like these a lesson. Hopefully you have learned your lesson.

JFL, apparently even skirting around the rules/larping on org is bannable offense
JFL, apparently even skirting around the rules/larping on org is bannable offense

I still don't understand the ban

1) I made off-topic actually interesting for a day. People made threads about my thread and everyone was DMing each other

2) Everyone who DMed me, I admited it was LARP, and they were completely fine with it, they found it funny and even added me on Discord JFL.

3) They banned Anthony for making a random joke under one of my threads too, but a mod ( EmeraldGlass ) made a joke about it too.
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  • #5
I still don't understand the ban

1) I made off-topic actually interesting for a day. People made threads about my thread and everyone was DMing each other

2) Everyone who DMed me, I admited it was LARP, and they were completely fine with it, they found it funny and even added me on Discord JFL.

3) They banned Anthony for making a random joke under one of my threads too, but a mod ( EmeraldGlass ) made a joke about it too.
Larpers shouldn’t be banned imo
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  • #6
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  • #7
Exposing the larpers is what makes it fun anyways
I still don't understand the ban

1) I made off-topic actually interesting for a day. People made threads about my thread and everyone was DMing each other

2) Everyone who DMed me, I admited it was LARP, and they were completely fine with it, they found it funny and even added me on Discord JFL.

3) They banned Anthony for making a random joke under one of my threads too, but a mod ( EmeraldGlass ) made a joke about it too.
oh shit, you actually go banned for those and were just telling me that your actions are socially acpetable ? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
oh shit, you actually go banned for those and were just telling me that your actions are socially acpetable ? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
this is .org not .is

Different sites....
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  • #10
oh shit, you actually go banned for those and were just telling me that your actions are socially acpetable ? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
He shouldn’t have been banned tbh
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  • #13
Also I wish we could leave reacts on ban appeal threads
Appreciate the effort, but you’re going to stay banned for the time being. It’s not permanent, we just have to teach people like you who think it’s ok to troll about breaking rules like these a lesson. Hopefully you have learned your lesson.

JFL, apparently even skirting around the rules/larping on org is bannable offense
Never began for nowiff boneless dravid
I still don't understand the ban

1) I made off-topic actually interesting for a day. People made threads about my thread and everyone was DMing each other

2) Everyone who DMed me, I admited it was LARP, and they were completely fine with it, they found it funny and even added me on Discord JFL.

3) They banned Anthony for making a random joke under one of my threads too, but a mod ( EmeraldGlass ) made a joke about it too.
what did anthony say to get banned?
what a shit reason to ban some1

I made a joke thread and this USERNAME guy screenshot out of context and tagged moderators

Then Anthony commented here too lmao
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  • #22
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  • #25
Leak it to me bhai
