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Serious it’s over


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
I just had my second day of school and my mom asked “Who is that smoking hot history teacher? He is just so steamy and handsome” deadass that’s what she said, she just went on and on about how she thought he was hot and sexy, and how she wants me to join the sports team he coaches so she can talk to him more.

For context, she claims to be Christian and I always thought she wasn’t like some other women for the most part. My dad is on a business trip right now. I said right after that this was why I am never getting married, and she just fucking laughed it off. Dumb slut

It’s so fucking over, the black pill has never been more real
I just had my second day of school and my mom asked “Who is that smoking hot history teacher? He is just so steamy and handsome” deadass that’s what she said, she just went on and on about how she thought he was hot and sexy, and how she wants me to join the sports team he coaches so she can talk to him more.

For context, she claims to be Christian and I always thought she wasn’t like some other women for the most part. My dad is on a business trip right now. I said right after that this was why I am never getting married, and she just fucking laughed it off. Dumb slut

It’s so fucking over, the black pill has never been more real
Damn tough spot to be in ngl. Why tf would she say that infront of u anyways. Sorry brodie
you are probably right

I just don’t fucking know what to do
Ye thats alot of weight to be carrying on ur shoulders.

Sit down with ur mother first since she has not cheated (for what we know) and just talk to her. Remind her of Gods teachings etc. Tell her what mentall stress it puts on you when she says stuff like that abt other men when shes married/together with your father.

I wouldnt tell ur dad for now. Try doing as I said even tho its embarassing having to say such things to ur mother.

Good luck bro :peepoLove:
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  • #10
Ye thats alot of weight to be carrying on ur shoulders.

Sit down with ur mother first since she has not cheated (for what we know) and just talk to her. Remind her of Gods teachings etc. Tell her what mentall stress it puts on you when she says stuff like that abt other men when shes married/together with your father.

I wouldnt tell ur dad for now. Try doing as I said even tho its embarassing having to say such things to ur mother.

Good luck bro :peepoLove:
thanks, I’ll do that
If you confront her then next time she will keep her mouth shut but will probably continue doing it. That's what happens when people get caught, next time they will be sneaky and lie. There is a chance she could feel guilty about it. But then she continues to succumb to her urges and does it again. Small chance she will redeem herself.
I'd tell your father. Then talk to the both of them afterwards. Make sure neither of them get angry or violent or crying hysterical. Talk them thru and make sure it doesnt end badly. This imo is the best solution
I just had my second day of school and my mom asked “Who is that smoking hot history teacher? He is just so steamy and handsome” deadass that’s what she said, she just went on and on about how she thought he was hot and sexy, and how she wants me to join the sports team he coaches so she can talk to him more.

For context, she claims to be Christian and I always thought she wasn’t like some other women for the most part. My dad is on a business trip right now. I said right after that this was why I am never getting married, and she just fucking laughed it off. Dumb slut

It’s so fucking over, the black pill has never been more real
Your own Mom!? That's just brutal man, take the advice @Ben07 gave and keep your chin up. I would consider notifying your dad if you suspect this ever happening again. Sorry you had to deal with that.
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  • #14
If you confront her then next time she will keep her mouth shut but will probably continue doing it. That's what happens when people get caught, next time they will be sneaky and lie. There is a chance she could feel guilty about it. But then she continues to succumb to her urges and does it again. Small chance she will redeem herself.
I'd tell your father. Then talk to the both of them afterwards. Make sure neither of them get angry or violent or crying hysterical. Talk them thru and make sure it doesnt end badly. This imo is the best solution
this is exactly why I haven’t confronted her
I just had my second day of school and my mom asked “Who is that smoking hot history teacher? He is just so steamy and handsome” deadass that’s what she said, she just went on and on about how she thought he was hot and sexy, and how she wants me to join the sports team he coaches so she can talk to him more.

For context, she claims to be Christian and I always thought she wasn’t like some other women for the most part. My dad is on a business trip right now. I said right after that this was why I am never getting married, and she just fucking laughed it off. Dumb slut

It’s so fucking over, the black pill has never been more real
this has to be satire
Push the troll further and tell dad to talk to hot female teacher and see how mom's hypocrisy goes

Foids like that (even la mama) should be trolled
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  • #21
If this was .org id tell you to kill her
Tbh you could use this to blackmail her and make her pay for your surgeries
Or just tell ur dad idk whatever u want
I thought about the blackmail thing lol, she would probably pay me a couple hundred not to tell my dad.

but I don’t want to ruin my family dynamic so I don’t think I will
Wasnt as bad as expected

Ye thats alot of weight to be carrying on ur shoulders.

Sit down with ur mother first since she has not cheated (for what we know) and just talk to her. Remind her of Gods teachings etc. Tell her what mentall stress it puts on you when she says stuff like that abt other men when shes married/together with your father.

I wouldnt tell ur dad for now. Try doing as I said even tho its embarassing having to say such things to ur mother.

Good luck bro :peepoLove:
If she does that type of shit the last thing she cares about is "Gods teachings". Womens morals come from their feelings.

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