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Info Its been a while since on plant based diet.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Still able to get 100 grams of protein per day

Better cognitive function definitely

Better bowel movements
Been a while for me too, never going back to be honest
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  • #3
For protein I used to eat beans and legumes hella
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  • #6
i dont really have a diet currently
I either fast or just eat like a pig and hope I don't count on too much weight
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  • #8
i dont really have a diet currently
I either fast or just eat like a pig and hope I don't count on too much weight
I am the same but instead only eat whatever, like fast food. Cuz of lanklet genes I will never gain weight.

I currently am forced to though, because staying with my grandma so I have to eat homecooked meals.
I am the same but instead only eat whatever, like fast food. Cuz of lanklet genes I will never gain weight.

I currently am forced to though, because staying with my grandma so I have to eat homecooked meals.
damn i cant do that bc of awful weight genetics and bad habits from growing up fat
I do eat fast foods like once a week or sumt, mostly burger king jfl
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  • #10
damn i cant do that bc of awful weight genetics and bad habits from growing up fat
I do eat fast foods like once a week or sumt, mostly burger king jfl
Atleast you can be strong, I am deathly skinny. Used to be 51kg at 5ft11.5 (6ft basically).

Drank almost 2 litres of coke a day + Mcdonalds and Subways ED, occasionally burger king for the Salmon Double Burger
Atleast you can be strong, I am deathly skinny. Used to be 51kg at 5ft11.5 (6ft basically).

Drank almost 2 litres of coke a day + Mcdonalds and Subways ED, occasionally burger king for the Salmon Double Burger
Holy shit 2 liters 💀💀
